
  • Aerman;【人名】Arman
  1. 阿尔曼多?伊安努奇导演的《灵通人士》是有史以来最著名的政治讽刺电影。该电影甚至还入选BBC文化100部最伟大的喜剧电影。伊安努奇的电视作品,比如《幕后危机》和《副总统》也是得奖无数。

    Armando Iannucci 's In the Loop is one of the most celebrated political satires of all time - it even made BBC Culture 's 100 greatest comedies list - and his TV work , such as The Thick of It and Veep are showered with awards .

  2. 他接着问阿尔曼的声明暗示,如果可以使用武力,但不使用时Teoh联接被质疑。

    He then asked Arman if the statement implied that force could be used but was not used when Teoh was being questioned .

  3. 他们就像兄弟一样,阿尔曼说。

    ' They were like brothers , ' says Allman .

  4. 我们互相碰杯,每个人都面带微笑。阿尔曼说。

    We were all cracking up , and everyone was smiling , ' says Allman .

  5. 她最喜欢的品牌是阿尔曼尼。

    Her favourite designer labelis armani .

  6. 不过在上个月,依靠试管婴儿治疗技术,考尔的儿子阿尔曼诞生了,这也使她成为世界上年龄最大的生第一个孩子的妈妈。

    Last month , thanks to IVF treatment , Mrs Kaur gave birth to their son Armaan , making her the world 's oldest first-time mother

  7. 这些先前没有公开过的的照片,奥巴马同班同学凯莉-阿尔曼独家提供给《时代》周刊,为我们展现了毕业舞会上17岁的巴拉克-奥巴马。

    These previously unpublished photos , obtained exclusively by TIME from Obama 's schoolmate Kelli Allman ( ne McCormack ), show a 17-year-old Barack Obama on the night of his senior prom .

  8. 不过,印尼金融银行的经济师赫尔米.阿尔曼说,这些新举措很难稳定股市、货币市场、以及银行业。

    But Helmi Arman , economist at Bank Danamon Indonesia , says the new government measures are unlikely to calm the stock market , the money market , or the banking sector .

  9. 奥巴马的女伴是来自皮耶特拉的夏威夷女子学校的梅根-休斯,他们和奥姆相约在阿尔曼家中,随后这两对在去舞会前都在这里喝了点香槟。

    Obama and his date Megan Hughes , a student at the Hawaii School for Girls at La Pietra , joined Orme at Allman 's house , where the two couples sipped champagne before going to the dance and then an after-party .