
  • 网络Artyom;Artem Levin;Artem
  1. 尼基塔指责阿尔乔姆在一次聚会上强迫了自己17岁的女友。

    Nikita accused the older one of forcing himself on his girlfriend , 17 , at a party .

  2. 阿尔乔姆受了重伤,但还有一口气在,尼基塔于是就开始用刀砍下了他的头。

    With Artyom still alive but badly wounded , then Nikita started to cut off his head with the knife .

  3. 随后两人就大打出手,尼基塔从背包里拿出一把菜刀,刺入情敌阿尔乔姆的背部和小腹。

    The pair began fighting and Nikita took out a kitchen knife from his backpack and twice stabbed his rival in the back and abdomen , it is claimed .

  4. 据俄罗斯媒体援引警方及目击者消息称,阿尔乔姆坚称是女孩“在聚会上主动纠缠他,但他喝醉了,无法抗拒”。

    Artyom insisted the girl had " 'started pestering him at the party , and he was drunk and could not resist her , " according to Russian newspapers which cited police sources and witnesses .