
  • 网络Ulster;Alster;aalst
  1. 他1848年从阿尔斯特移民到这里。

    He immigrated from Ulster in 1848

  2. 他1848年从阿尔斯特移民到这里

    He immigrated from Ulster in 1848 .

  3. 除了在纽约州阿尔斯特县(Ulster)的那套山间别墅以外,位于曼哈顿的公寓就是他唯一的家了。

    Aside from a mountain retreat in Ulster County , N.Y. , his Manhattan apartment was his only home .

  4. 4月30日,阿尔斯特(ulster)也将禁烟;次日,美国亚利桑那州禁烟(部落领域除外)。

    On April 30 , it will be Ulster ; the following day , Arizona ( tribal lands exempted ) .

  5. 政府亟须吸取阿尔斯特的教训。

    The government has to learn the lessons of ulster .

  6. 他曾担任纽约州阿尔斯特县议员和少数党领袖。

    Ulster County , New York , he served as Member and served as minority leader .

  7. 阿尔斯特在正义这一头。

    And Ulster will be right .

  8. 英国第三步兵师第九步兵旅第二皇家阿尔斯特营也在战斗初期与狙击手遭遇。

    Battalion'Royal Ulster Rifles ' , part of the9.Infantry Brigade of the3.Infantry Division met snipers early .

  9. 当阿尔斯特地区信奉天主教的盖尔人起义时,英国议会通过移民条例。

    When the Catholic Gaels of Ulster rebelled , the British Parliament passed the Articles of Plantation .

  10. 阿尔斯特大学的研究人员说,家中有女儿有助于家庭成员之间敞开心扉、增进交流。

    The University of Ulster said having daughters made a family more open and willing to discuss feelings .

  11. 这个省占据了古爱尔兰阿尔斯特王国的很大一部分,并通常因其名而著称。

    The province occupies much of the ancient Irish kingdom of Ulster and is often known by that name .

  12. 阿尔斯特(位于北爱尔兰)版本的早餐中有土豆面包和苏打薄饼;威尔士版本的则有莱佛面包,跟熏肉和鸟蛤一起炸着吃。

    An Ulster version includes potato bread and soda farls , Welsh includes laverbread , eaten fried with bacon and cockles .

  13. 阿尔斯特的暴力火种正是在英国本土所有传媒均对北爱尔兰问题不闻不问的那些年播下的。

    It was during years of neglect by all the mainland British press that the seeds of violence were sown in Ulster .

  14. 如果将阿尔斯特或北爱尔兰人加上去,就构成英国四个政治区域的所有居民了。

    If you add in Ulster or people from Northern Ireland , you have the citizens of the United Kingdom 's four major political entities .

  15. 22岁的内文斯宾塞是北爱尔兰阿尔斯特职业橄榄球队的中卫,今年参加了爱尔兰职业球队一场对阵野人队的表演赛。

    The 22-year-old Nevin , who played centre for Irish province Ulster , played an exhibition game for the Irish senior team against the Barbarians this year .

  16. 阿尔斯特大学国际互联网技术研究组的杰勒德帕尔教授,是世界首家英中智能控制、计算与制造领域调研网的成员。

    Professor Gerard Parr of the Internet technologies research group at the University of Ulster is part of the first UK-China research network in intelligent automation , computing and manufacturing .

  17. 他是正确的,他似乎正在担忧警察的能力,因为无论是在人数上,还是在经验方面都要比被他们替代的皇家阿尔斯特军队军队要逊色。而他们正担任着维护安全措施这响重责。

    He was right , it seems , to worry about the capacity of his police service smaller and less experienced than the Royal Ulster Constabulary that it replaced to contain the situation .

  18. 他和妻子珍妮弗在纽约有个住所,但大多数时候,他们都居住在安静的纽约州阿尔斯特郡,距离纽约市以北90英里。

    He and his wife , Jennifer , have a place in New York City but spend much of their time in quiet Ulster County , N.Y. , 90 miles north of the city .

  19. 不过,当他在位于伦敦皮卡迪利大街的办公室里一边喝水,一边哼着轻快的阿尔斯特曲调,人们将很难想象他无情与野蛮的管理(某位批评人士的话)。

    Yet his light Ulster lilt , as he sips water in his offices in Piccadilly , makes it hard to imagine him operating with a merciless savagery , in the words of one critic .

  20. 阿尔斯特大学毒理学家、病理学家维维安·霍华德,也是改革的支持者。

    Vyvyan Howard , a toxicologist and pathologist at the University of Ulster , and a supporter of the reform , also reckons that the existing system is not as good as it claims to be .