- 网络Arendt;Hannah Arendt

Through distinguishing three sorts of human activities styles & labor 、 work and action , Hannah Arendt reveals the important difference among the human conditions which are corresponded to the three sorts of human activities styles .
So far as I know , Miss Hannah Arendt was the first person to define the essential difference between work and labor .
If previous researchers have seriously dented Arendt 's case , Ms. Stangneth " shatters " it , said Deborah E. Lipstadt , a historian at Emory University and the author of a 2011 book about the Eichmann trial .
Then , while reading through the voluminous memoirs and other testimony Eichmann produced while in hiding in Argentina after the war , Ms. Stangneth came across a long note he wrote , dismissing the moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant , that flew in the face of Arendt 's notion of Eichmann 's " inability to think . "
Arendt 's Concept of Freedom & From Perspective of Comparison
The Research on Ideology of Arendt Surpassing the Modernity
Listening to Eichmann in Jerusalem , Arendt saw an inability to think .
Arendt think modern crisis is rooted in the decline of the public domain .
Arendt expanded her criticism of modernity through the criticism of the social realm .
In the first stage , Arendt considered judging as a special faculty of actors .
For Arendt , there appears to be two interconnected ways in which thinking has moral side-effects .
In this book , Arendt discussed the mental activities ' louses in the world of appearance .
According to the nature of public space , Arendt refused the rights of morals in politics .
According to this existential interpretation of opinion , Arendt criticized the scientism in contemporary political thoughts .
The Text Interpretation of Hannah Arendt on Marx & In the prospective of the Western political ideological tradition
The first part will introduce the background of the conception of public realm in reality and in theory .
After the resolve of her problem , Arendt had to face the solution of the plight of ethics .
If finding banality was surprising for Arendt , it is now what we expect and what everywhere surrounds us .
Later Arendt emphasizes more on the importance of thought , especially judgment , since action without thinking is foolish and blindfold .
In the book ' Human Condition ', she deals with the characteristics of human practice and constructs her theory of public space .
Arendt 's idea of the political significance of thinking was indebted to the two great masters of Western philosophy : Kant and Socrates .
According to the standard of worldliness , Arendt distinguished three key concepts in her theory of rebuilding public realm : labor , work and action .
The thoughts of the citizenship education of Socrates , John Dewey and Arendt emphasize the participation in the public business enthusiastically are the utmost value of the citizen .
Besides , thanks to the unpleasing exhibition of morality in the political tragedy of twentieth century , Arendt suggested to establish a new morality based on politics itself .
In her opinion , the world is the web of relationships in which man lives concretely . The principles enacted actions and the ethical foundation of acting are the love for this world .
It is still has the enlightenment to the construction of public realm in China , the enhancement of the awareness of political participation of citizens , the cultivation of civic spirit and so on .
Then , the paper discusses the transformation of Arendt ' sthoughts on evil , which changes from " the radical evil " to " the banality of evil " aswell as the relationship between them .
While Ms. Stangneth maintains that Arendt , who died in 1975 , was fooled by Eichmann 's performance on the stand , she sees her less as a foil than as an indispensable intellectual companion .
If Arendt , like many others , was taken in , some historians say , his performance still led her to valuable insights about the mentality of many of those who carried out the killing on the ground .
In the first part , according to Arendt , the author constructs the headstream of western political philosophy and the critique to it , claims that the tradition of western political philosophy is not an authentic political philosophy .