
  • 网络Amsler;Amsler Grid
  1. 阿姆斯勒杯形拉延试验纸杯或纸容器成形机

    Amsler cupping test forming machine for paper cups or containers

  2. 灵长类动物行为生态学家西尔维亚阿姆斯勒观察发现雄性黑猩猩会在它们地盘边界巡逻,还会残忍杀害竞争者。

    Primate behavioral ecologist Sylvia Amsler observed groups of male chimps patrolling the edges of their territory and targeting rivals for brutal killings .

  3. 反复弯曲疲劳试验机阿姆斯勒高频扭转疲劳试验机

    Reversed bending fatigue machine

  4. 阿姆斯勒说她研究的黑猩猩群可能比普通黑猩猩群落更具侵略性,可能是因为该群落中的成年雄性黑猩猩数量偏多,超过种群平均水平。

    Amsler said the group she studied may be more aggressive than normal , possibly because its a larger than average population with a high number of adult males .