
  • 网络Vaginal vestibule;atria vaginae
  1. 术前选择有适应症的患者,术中重建粘膜平坦、大于1cm的阴道前庭以及术后辅以必要的药物有助于提高疗效。

    Choosing suitable patients , making mucosa smooth , lengthening vaginal vestibule longer than 1 cm and administering necessary medicine after operation are important in improving the therapeutic effect .

  2. 目的应用阴道前庭超声方法评价阴道分娩和选择性剖宫产对女性盆底的近期影响。

    Objective To evaluate the short-term impact of vaginal delivery and selective caesarean section on pelvic floor of women using introital ultrasound .

  3. 女孩有直肠阴道瘘、前庭瘘及会阴瘘,男孩有直肠膀胱瘘、尿道瘘及会阴瘘。

    There are rectovaginal fistula , vestibule fistula and perineal fistula of female patients and rectovesical fistula , urethral fistula and perineal fistula of male patients .