
  • 【化】anticorrosive lining
  1. 氯乙烯装置中废水罐防腐衬里的改进

    Innovation on anticorrosion inner liner of waste water tank in chlorethylene units

  2. 聚四氟乙烯防腐衬里的生产和应用技术

    Production and application technology of anti corrosive PTFE liner

  3. 关于防腐衬里胶中析出的钙、镁及铁等金属离子的分析

    Analysis of Calcium 、 Magnesium 、 Iron etc. Metal Ion Separated from Anticorrosive Underlining Rubber

  4. 分析了液碱槽车防腐衬里的失效原因,通过腐蚀机理的分析,提出了新的复合结构衬里防腐方案,应用效果良好。

    By analysis of corrosion modes , it offers new anticorrosion plan of the composite structure lining and achieves good application effect .

  5. 列举了膏状氯丁橡胶在防腐衬里胶板、同步带、双面带、电缆、汽车空调管中的应用实例。

    Some practical examples were given to describe the application of paste CR to anti-corrosion rubber lining sheet , synchronous belt , double-sided belt , electric cable and hose of automotive air conditioning system .

  6. 防腐橡胶衬里的进展

    The Development of Anticorrosive Rubber Lining s