
fáng xùn
  • flood prevention;flood prevention or control
防汛 [fáng xùn]
  • [flood prevention or control] 在汛期采取措施,防止洪水泛滥成灾

防汛[fáng xùn]
  1. 本文以防汛调度领域为例,提出了一种基于XML元数据描述的领域异构数据库间数据转换的模型。

    This paper puts forward a data transformation model described by XML metadata between heterogeneous databases in the flood prevention scheduling field .

  2. 随着Web技术与GIS技术的迅猛发展,设计开发基于WebGIS的大型防汛信息服务系统已变为可行与必须。

    With the development of GIS and internet , it becomes available and necessary to develop the large information service systems of flood prevention based on Web GIS .

  3. 8月12日,湖北省防汛抗旱指挥部启动防汛Ⅲ级应急响应。8月12日,水利部增派了4个工作组赴湖北、安徽、江西3省指导暴雨洪水防范应对工作。

    The flood control and drought relief headquarters of Hubei province activated Level III emergency response for flood control on Thursday .

  4. 河南省和郑州市防汛抗旱总指挥部均将防汛应急响应级别提升为Ⅰ级。

    Both Henan provincial and Zhengzhou municipal flood control and drought relief headquarters have raised the emergency response for meteorological disasters to level I.

  5. 基于WebServices的Agent防汛决策支持系统研究

    The Agent decision support for flood management system based on Web services

  6. 基于多Agent技术的油田智能防汛系统

    Multi-Agent Based Intelligent Flood Prevention System In the Oil Field

  7. GIS在防汛减灾中的应用及实例

    Application and example of GIS in flood control and reducing damage

  8. 基于GIS的防汛减灾系统在广西的应用前景

    Application prospect of GIS-base flood control and disaster relief system in Guangxi

  9. GIS在黄河防汛业务中的应用

    GIS Application in the Yellow River Flood Control Practice

  10. 基于GIS的水利防汛信息系统关键技术探讨

    A Research into Key Technology of Flood Prevention Information System Based On GIS

  11. 基于B/S和C/S架构的Web防汛调度指挥系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Flood-Prevention and Dispatch Command System of Web Based on B / S and C / S

  12. 基于SOA实现防汛防旱指挥系统的关键技术研究

    Research on key technology of flood control decision system based on SOA

  13. GIS技术在PDA防汛系统中的运用

    Application of GIS in PDA Flood Control System

  14. 新型的防汛决策服务系统要求实现B/S计算的多层体系结构,实现真正零配置的瘦客户端。

    It is essential for the modern flood decision-making service system to approach a thin client with non-configuration and implement a multi-tier computing architecture .

  15. 基于Petri网的防汛会商建模技术研究

    Petri Nets-based Modeling for Flood Control Consultation

  16. 利用分布式技术WebServices和人工智能技术Agent,建立了具有新型体系结构的防汛决策支持系统。

    A decision support system ( DSS ) with new system structure was established by the new distributed computing techniques Web services and artificial intelligence techniques Agent .

  17. 3S技术在黑龙江省防汛指挥系统中的应用

    Application of 3S Technology in the Flood Control Command System of Heilongjiang Province

  18. 利用ActiveX组件技术将GIS和图表组件应用到防洪决策支持系统的开发中,构架防汛会商决策指挥系统平台,是一个比较好的解决方案。

    It is a good scheme to develop the Flood Prevention Decision-making Support System by using GIS chart com-ponent based on the ActiveX technology .

  19. 基于3S的广州西北江防汛指挥模型研究和功能的开发

    Model Studying and System Developing of Flood Control Command System Based on 3S for Northwest River in GZ

  20. 在研究了国内外相关技术成果基础上,结合防汛信息系统的特点,重点研究了领域应用框架、构件模型、数据存取、开放GIS等问题,并实现了一个原型系统。

    Based on the study of correlative technology results , combining with FCIS ' characteristics , this paper research on domain application framework , component model , data accessing , Open GIS .

  21. 采用Windows2000操作平台,IP地址统一规划设置,建立了Email信息箱,实现了分业务、分层次、分级别的网络互联,充分满足了防汛调度及决策支持系统的要求。

    Be adopted WINDOWS 2000 operating platform , planning IP address and setting up EMAIL case , the system realizes interconnection orderly . It meets fully the request of flood prevention .

  22. 基于SDSS的上海城市防汛决策支持研究

    A Study on SDSS-based Shanghai Flood Control Decision Support

  23. 同时根据防汛系统特性和要求,以现有防汛系统为原型,使用Web服务应用框架,给出系统集成的架构,并对系统集成策略和关键技术问题进行了论述。

    According to the flood-control system characteristics and requirements , flood control system in existence as the prototype , using Web Services application framework providing system integration framework , the paper discusses the system integration strategy and the key technical issues .

  24. 该文针对防汛系统特定领域特点,分析和设计了分布式防洪调度应用框架,在框架中采用了JavaIDL定义分布式对象中间件和软件构件的接口。

    Special domain distributed architecture framework is analyzed and designed in this paper . Java IDL is used in the framework to define the interface of distributed object middleware and software component .

  25. 结合防汛决策支持系统中的实际需要,深入研究了主动服务相关技术,提出了一个基于CORBA事件服务的主动服务模型。

    With the practical requirement in flood control decision support system , this paper studies correlative techniques about active services in-depth , and then proposes an active services model based on CORBA event services .

  26. 针对上海市城区排水系统的水文水力学特性,以SWMM(StormWaterManagementModel)为基础开发出适合上海市区产流及排水特点和防汛管理要求的城市雨洪模型。

    In regard to the hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of the Shanghai drainage system , a rainfall runoff model based on the Storm Water Management Model ( SWMM ) that suits flooding and drainage characteristics in Shanghai was established to simulate flooding management .

  27. 本文介绍GIS的一般功能,并结合深圳市三防(防汛防旱防风)GIS系统,介绍GIS在深圳市三防指挥信息系统中的应用。

    This paper introduce the general function of GIS , and introduce the application of GIS in three disasters defend commanding information system using the Shenzhen city three disasters defending ( flood control , anti-drought & typhoon defending ) GIS system as an example .

  28. 最后提出了天津市防汛指挥系统计算机网络系统结构及VLAN技术的具体应用实例.Intranet在防汛指挥信息网中的应用

    Finally , it puts forward some application examples of VLAN technology and the computer network system used in Tianjin municipal flood control commanding system . The practice of intranet in guiding information net against flood

  29. 结合防汛抗旱指挥的现状,文章提出基于B/S结构的移动指挥车监控系统实例,系统具有车辆移动定位跟踪、车辆移动导航等移动地理信息的基本功能。

    When it comes to Flood Control and Drought Relief , the author provides a " Mobile Vehicle Monitoring System Based on B / S Architecture " instance , which has some simple mobile GIS functions , including : mobile position and tracing , mobile navigation and mobile GIS query .

  30. 应用当今先进的地理信息系统技术、遥感技术、GPS技术和网络通讯技术,建立了以防汛业务为主体,以地理空间数据为基础,集土地资源、人口和社会经济信息于一体的防汛指挥系统。

    Dongping lake flood preventing and management system here applied nowadays advanced geographic information system , RS , GPS and the network communication technique . It established a flood preventing and management system with geography space data , land resources , population and social economic information .