- ice prevention;reduce the menace of ice run

Both Liujiaxia and Heishanxia reservoirs can meet the requirements of ice prevention .
The Effect Of Yellow River Upper Reach Reservoir on Flood Control , Ice Prevention and Irrigation Of Ningxia River Reach and Corresponding Treatments
Supported by flood prevention technology project of the Yellow River & The application research of the MODIS data in the Yellow River flood control and anti-ice , this article presents the theoretic and experimental research on flood monitoring methods of the Yellow River using MODIS data .
Mathematical model of reservoir operation for ice - jam flood control
Fifty Years of Ice Flood Protection in the Yellow River
Cause of icicle disaster and control in the upper reaches of Heilongjiang River
Compensation benefit of preventing ice jam in cascade reservoirs
Issues related to ice jam control of Yellow River after operation of Xiaolangdi Reservoir
Ice Flood Disaster and Its Reduction Measures in the Inner Mongolia Section of the Yellow River
Research and Development of Decision Making Supporting System for Flood and Ice Protection in the Yellow River
River Ice Modelling in Lower Reaches of the Yellow River and Its Utility in Sanmen Gorge Reservoir Regulation
The objective of this paper is to guide ice flood control and make flood control more reasonably and scientifically .
Finally , it is pointed out that the water and sediment adjustment is the key measure for preventing ice jam and settling the new ice regime .
By narrating the history of icicle constant appearance and the serious consequence in upper reaches of Heilongjiang , this paper analyzed the cause of formation of icicle and control measures .
However , new problems with ice jam control in the Shandong section comes out because of river frozen due to small flows , across-basin water diversion and occurring of emergencies .
Research on Ice-flood Control and Flood Control Demand in Inner-Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River EARLY ORDOVICIAN NAUTILOIDS FROM QINGSHUIHE , NEI MONGGOL ( INNER MONGOLIA ) AND PIANGUAN , SHANXI PROVINCE
The hydro-project on Sandy River ( such as Yellow River ) is responsible for some missions such as flood and ice prevention , power generation , irrigation , and also water supply .
After the operation of Xiaolangdi Reservoir , river flow in the down stream of the Yellow River is effectively controlled , which ice jam in the Shandong section of the Yellow River is mostly prevented .
The cascade hydropower reservoirs which are located in the upstream of Yellow River , have been designed for many purposes , such as power generation , irrigation , flood control , ice prevention , and navigation etc.
Study on the mechanism of mechanical river-ice breakup , and presenting the accurate and universally applicable criterion for onset of river-ice breakup , can provide valuable time for preventing ice-disaster and offer scientific basis for ice-flood control department .
On the basis of analysis of changes of river course conditions , temperature , water and ice-jam conditions in the Shandong section after the operation of Xiaolangdi Reservoir in 2001 , suggestions for bettering work of ice jam control is proposed .
In recent years , the lives and property of people in the region along Yellow River suffered from great damages and serious threats because of the ice flood disaster , so it is time to take the Engineering of Ice Flood Prevention .
The operation of large reservoirs in the upper Yellow River can produce great benefits in electricity , flood defense , irrigation and ice-flood control , but at the same time it can cause some negative influence to alluvial river course below the reservoirs .
Hence , measures of regulating floating bridge and crossing-river construction structures should be strengthened on the basis of concentrating on studies of regulation of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir , together with other effective measures of water diversion control in the winter and dividing culverts and gates .
Because of the location and river characteristics , in winter , the ice flood is very serious and often cause ice flood disaster in Inner Mongolia reach of the Yellow River , so it is one of the most important reaches of preventing ice flood .
Sanmenxia Reservior is a large-scale comprehensive hydro-junction on the Yellow River . It has played an important role in the flood and ice prevention , irrigation ; deposition reduction , power generation , etc. Tongguan section is located in downstream of confluence area of Yellow River and Weihe River .