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  • 网络Ruan Yuan;yuan yuan
  1. 论阮元的书法理论及其碑学成就

    On Calligraphy Theory & Stele Study Achievement of Ruan Yuan

  2. 阮元与嘉道时期岭南文化的发展

    Ruan Yuan and the Development of Lingnan Culture in the Jia-Dao Period

  3. 于是,在汉宋之争中,援佛入儒的李翱受到了阮元的批驳。

    Therefore , he was refuted by Ruan Yuan in the Han-Song Controversy .

  4. 阮元调和汉宋学思想析论

    An Analysis of Ruan Yuan 's Reconciliation of the Han and Song Schools of Thought

  5. 第三章论述了李明彻的著作,以及他与阮元的关系。

    The third chapter describes Li 's works and the relation between Ruan Yuan and him .

  6. 阮元的学术渊源和治学宗旨藏书·读书·治学

    Book Collection , Reading and Scholarship

  7. 论崔述的考据学与清代汉学之关系乾嘉汉学治学宗旨及其学术实践探析&以戴震、阮元为中心

    Analysis of the Relationship between Cui Shu 's Textual Research and Han Learning in the Qing Dynasty

  8. 阮元在学术思想上虽然受到戴震的影响,但治学的侧重点和戴震显然有别。

    Ruan Yuan was different from Dai Zhen in pursuing studies , although Ruan Yuan was influenced by him .

  9. 第一章介绍了阮元的身世、背景,以备知人论世之用,并对其学术成就作了概述。

    Ruan Yuan chapter introduced the background , background , knowing of the world for use , and academic achievement are outlined .

  10. 阮元对中国传统孝观念的阐发,显示了他学术和思想的渊博精深。

    Ruan Yuan 's elucidation and promotion of Chinese traditional idea of filial piety have shown his erudite and profound learning and thinking .

  11. 阮元的教育思想和实践对清末的教育界产生了深远的影响,为中国的教育事业做出了突出的贡献。

    All these thoughts and practice have a profound influence on the education in late QING Dynasty , so he has an outstanding contribution to China 's education .

  12. 金正喜曾作为官方使者出访中国,与当时清朝著名学者翁方纲、阮元等结识。

    Being in an official visitor , he got acquainted with Weng Fanggang , Ruan Yuan and other scholars in China who were famous scholars in Qing Dynasty .

  13. 第四章对阮元诗歌的艺术特色进行了概括和总结:其诗内容充实,典雅平正,不事雕琢,温柔敦厚。

    Chapter IV of the art of poetry Ruan Yuan characteristics summarized and summed up : the poetic and informative , elegant Euparagonimus , do not do cut and polish , gentle .

  14. 在扬州学派代表人物中,汪中、焦循、阮元等人对扬州地方史的研究又各有重点和特色。这对于我们从事区域史研究,为地方经济建设和文化建设服务有一定参考价值。

    Among all representatives of Yangzhou School of Thought , Wang Zhong , Jiao Xun and Ruan Yuan had their own emphasis and characteristics in the research on the Yangzhou local history .

  15. 《揅经室外集》是目录学史上一部重要的著作,文章由分析《外集》的成书,论述了阮元在《外集》中所起的主导作用;

    I point out the leading role played by Ruan Yuan in the edition and systematically analyze the abstract style inherited from SiKuQuanShu and the reason why it is better than that of SiKuQuanShu .

  16. 清代大学者阮元与金正喜、柳得恭和朴齐家等朝鲜著名学者均有交往,堪称清代对朝鲜学术界影响最大的中国学者之一。

    There was a relationship between Ruan Yuan and Jin Zhengxi , Liu Degong , Piao Qijia , the Chinese scholars who produced best impact to the academic circles of Korea in the Qing dynasty .