
  • 网络Intermittent therapy;STI;pulse therapy
  1. 毒毛旋花子苷K间歇疗法治疗冠心病心力衰竭的长期临床应用评价

    Long-term clinical evaluation of intermittent strophanthin K therapy for congestive heart failure combined with coronary artery disease

  2. 伐昔洛韦抑制疗法和间歇疗法预防生殖器疱疹复发作用比较

    Comparative Study of Suppressive and Intermitant Valaciclovir Therapy for Preventing Genital Herpes Recurrence

  3. 阿司匹林间歇疗法在脑卒中二级预防中的临床价值

    The clinical significance of aspirin intermittent treatment in the secondary prophylaxis of stroke

  4. 维持量地高辛间歇疗法治疗窦性心律心力衰竭的疗效评价

    Clinical evaluation of intermittent maintenance digoxin therapy in congestive heart failure with sinus rhythm

  5. 目的观察阿司匹林间歇疗法与常规疗法在脑卒中二级预防中临床价值的差异。

    Objective To observe the clinical significance between aspirin intermittent treatment and it 's routine treatment in the secondary prophylaxis of stroke .

  6. 间歇光疗法治疗新生儿高未结合胆红素血症50例疗效观察

    The Clinic Effect of Intermittent Phototherapy of Neonatal Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia

  7. 甲真菌病患者生活质量及口服伊曲康唑间歇冲击疗法对其的影响

    Life quality of onychomycosis patients and the effects of oral itraconazole intermittent pulse therapy

  8. 伊曲康唑间歇冲击疗法治疗甲真菌病的多中心开放性研究

    Efficacy of itraconazole pulse therapy in treatment of onychomycosis : a multicentre open study

  9. 在治疗儿童浅部真菌感染性疾病中,间歇冲击疗法能缩短疗程、减少不良反应。

    In the treatment of superficial fungal infections with itraconazole , pulse therapy could shorten the duration of treatment , and reduce the risk of adverse events .

  10. 目的:研究伊曲康唑间歇冲击疗法治疗趾甲真菌病(甲母质未受累)的疗效和在血清及甲中药物水平的变化。

    Objective : To study the efficacy and levels of itraconazole in serum and nail samples of toenail onychomycosis without matrix area involvement in patients who were treated with itraconazole intermittent pulse therapy .

  11. 激素间歇周期序贯疗法治疗围绝经期综合征

    Observation of safety for hormone intermittence cycle sequential therapy for perimenopausal syndrome

  12. 目的观察激素间歇周期序贯疗法治疗围绝经期综合征的安全性。

    Objective The safety of hormone intermittence cycle sequential therapy was observed for perimenopausal syndrome .

  13. 结论激素间歇周期序贯疗法治疗围绝经期综合征疗效确切,其对子宫内膜及乳腺刺激小于激素连续周期序贯疗法。

    Conclusion The effectiveness of hormone intermittence cycle sequential therapy on menopausal syndrome is sure with less stimulation to endometrial and breast , and its safety is higher than that of continual cycle of sequential hormone therapy .

  14. 结论建议首选间歇导尿和药物疗法治疗轻、中度肾积水,以避免长期留置尿管的并发症;

    ConclusionsThe optimal therapy on slight and moderate hydronephrosis should be intermittent catheterization and drug therapy to avoid the complications of long term indwelling catheter .

  15. 间歇蓝光与持续蓝光治疗足月新生儿高胆红素血症疗效比较伊曲康唑间歇冲击疗法治疗甲真菌病临床追踪观察

    Comparison of curative effects between the intermittent and sustainable phototherapy in treating term neonatal hyperbilirubinemia