
  • 网络Meriones unguiculatus;Meiiones Unguiculataus Milme-Edwauds;Meriones unguiculatus Milne-Edwards
  1. 长爪沙鼠与黑线仓鼠的温度选择比较

    Comparison between the temperature preference of Meriones unguiculatus and Cricetulus barabensis

  2. 56%磷化铝片剂杀灭长爪沙鼠的研究

    Efficacy of 56 % aluminum phosphide tablet against Meriones unguiculatus in fields

  3. 长爪沙鼠不同组织基因组DNA的提取条件比较

    Comparison of Genomic DNA Isolation Methods in Different Tissues of Mongolian gerbil

  4. 微卫星DNA与生化标记分析对长爪沙鼠群体遗传分析的比较

    Comparative analyzing the population genetic of Mongolia gerbil with microsatellite DNA and biochemistry marker

  5. 长爪沙鼠1~5号染色体G显带特征初步研究

    Primary Research on G Band from The First to The Fifth Chromosome of Mongolian gerbils

  6. 但生化标记和微卫星DNA检测对两个长爪沙鼠群体的遗传多样性差异反映一致,所反映的群体平衡状况也基本一致。

    But the results of biochemistry marker and microsatellite DNA analyses were coincident in genetic diversity and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium .

  7. 结论生化标记分析和微卫星DNA方法均可较好地反映长爪沙鼠群体遗传结构。

    Conclusion Both biochemistry maker and microsatellite DNA marker are good methods at analyzing the population genetics of Mongolia gerbil colonies .

  8. 结论长爪沙鼠血清E2、P的含量具种属特异性,并随动物的生理发育时期而变化。

    Conclusion The estradiol and progesterone levels in blood serum are species specific in Mongolian gerbils and change with the growth and development of the animals .

  9. 长爪沙鼠脑缺血后大脑皮质Parvalbumin(PV)的表达变化

    Changes in Expression of the Cerebral Mantle Parvalbumin ( PV ) in Mongolian Gerbils after Cerebral Ischemia

  10. 目的测定长爪沙鼠、NIH小鼠和SD大鼠的血清雌二醇(E2)和孕酮(P)水平,为研究长爪沙鼠的生殖和胚胎工程提供基础资料。

    Objective To make measurement of the estradiol ( E-2 ) and progesterone ( P ) level in blood serum of Mongolian gerbils , and to compare with those in NIH mice and SD rats .

  11. ZCLA长爪沙鼠微卫星标记遗传多样性的初步观察

    An Elementary Study on Genetic Diversity of Z : ZCLA Mongolian Gerbil Basing on Microsatellite DNA Marker

  12. 本文证实了流行性出血热病毒(EHF)在体外培养的长爪沙鼠、金黄地鼠、Balb/c小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞和人外周血白细胞及单核细胞中的增殖。

    It was found that the epidemic hemorrhagic fever ( EHF ) viruses could be replicated well in cultured peritoneal macrophages derived from Mongolian gerbiles , Syrian golden hamster and Balb / c mice as well as in cultured human peripheral blood leukocyte .

  13. 长爪沙鼠种群数量变动特征的研究

    Studies on the Characteristic of Population Dynamics of the Clawed Jird

  14. 马来丝虫虫体抗原检测长爪沙鼠血清抗体

    Detection of serum antibodies in JIRDS against antigens of Brugia malayi

  15. 不同性别长爪沙鼠血液生理生化值的比较

    Determination of Blood Physiological and Biochemical Values of Mongolian Gerbil

  16. 本试验还对该药对长爪沙鼠的生理作用作了测试。

    The physiological function of the sterilant was also tested .

  17. 长爪沙鼠体蚤和巢蚤数量研究

    Studies on dynamics of body and burrow nest fleas of Meriones unguiculatus

  18. 贾第虫长爪沙鼠动物模型某些问题的研究

    Further studies on the Mongolian jird model of Giardia lamblia

  19. Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠微卫星标记的遗传多态性研究

    Genetic Diversity of Microsatellite DNA Marker of Z : ZCLA Mongolian Gerbil

  20. 新生期长爪沙鼠铅中毒动物模型的建立

    Establishment of Lead Poisoning Model in Neonatal Mongolian Gerbil

  21. 长爪沙鼠种群数量预测的模糊聚类方法

    Use of Fuzzy Classification to Predict Clawed Jird Population

  22. 长爪沙鼠寄生蚤指数和气象因子关系的研究

    Studies on relationships among parasitic flea index of Meriones unguiculatus and meteorological factors

  23. 铅对新生期长爪沙鼠的毒性作用及病理学观察

    Toxic effect of lead poisoning and its pathological changs in neonatal Mongolian gerbil

  24. 长爪沙鼠脑底前后交通动脉变异类型分析

    Variation of Anatomical Patterns of Brain Anterior and Posterior Communication Arteries in Mongolian Gerbils

  25. 肠阿米巴病的长爪沙鼠动物模型

    The Clawed Jirds ( Meriones Unguiculatus ) as an Animal Model for Intestinal Amoebiasis

  26. 重组蟹金属硫蛋白对长爪沙鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用

    Protective effect of recombinant metallothionein of crab on cerebral ischemic reperfusion injury in gerbils

  27. 以30日龄长爪沙鼠为介体建立贾第虫青岛株纯培养

    The establishment of axenic culture of a Qingdao strain of Giardia lamblia with 30-day-old gerbils

  28. 鼠肝炎病毒在长爪沙鼠消化系统的分布及其组织病理学改变

    Distribution of Mongolian Gerbil Hepatitis Viruses and Histopathology in the Digestive System of Mongolian Gerbils

  29. 长爪沙鼠毛色遗传的研究进展及其应用前景

    The Advance and Prospects of Studies on Genetics of the Coat Colors of Mongolian Gerbil

  30. 长爪沙鼠在生物医学中的应用及其生理生化研究进展

    Advances in Study of Physiology and Biochemistry of Mongolian Gerbils and Its Application in Biomedical