
  • 网络Changling;changling county
  1. 基于Markov模型的长岭县土地利用时空变化研究

    Spatial-Temporal Changes of Landuse Based on Markov Model in Changling County

  2. 基于遥感和GIS的长岭县土地利用/覆被时空变化研究

    Study on Spatial-Temporal Changes of Changling County Land Use / Cover based on RS and GIS Technology

  3. 长岭县生态草建设试验初报

    A preliminary trial report on ecological grass development in Changling County

  4. 长岭县森林分类经营区划的可行性探讨

    Feasibility in Zoning of Forest Classification Management in Changling County

  5. 长岭县交通便利、通讯快捷。

    The traffic in Changling County is quite convenient and communications very fast .

  6. 长岭县自然资源丰富。

    Changling County is abundant in natural resources .

  7. 第四章分析了长岭县研究时段内土地利用变化的图形信息特征及其地学机制。

    The forth chapter analysed the relationship between land use change and its graphic information .

  8. 目的调查吉林省长岭县鼠疫疫源地鼠疫活动信息。

    Objective To investigate plague informations in the plague foci of ChangLing county of JiLin province .

  9. 第二章介绍本文的研究区&吉林省长岭县的自然环境背景及社会经济发展现状,论述为什么选择长岭县作为本文的研究区。

    The second chapter introduced the study area , including its nature environment and social economic development .

  10. 长岭县位于吉林省西部,松辽平原腹地。

    Changling County is located at the west of Jilin Province , the hinterland of Songliao Plain .

  11. 长岭县土地利用/土地覆盖景观格局变化及驱动因素研究

    Study on Changes of Land Use / Land Cover Landscape Patterns and the Driving Force of Changling County

  12. 农业生态环境系统的优化研究&以吉林西部平原长岭县为例

    Study on the optimized agroecological environment system & A case of Changling County in the west plain of Jilin Province

  13. 结果表明,在长岭县石灰性土壤条件下施用钾肥增产效果明显。

    Results showed that application of potassium fertilizer can significantly increase grain yield under the calcarious soil conditions of Changling county .

  14. 这种变化对气候要素的影响是:从1981年到2000年,长岭县基本上处于稳定的增温期和降水减少阶段。

    As a consequence , from 1981 to 2000 , the county was in the stable temperature increasing but precipitation decreasing period .

  15. 基于遥感的东北农牧交错区景观格局与变化研究&以吉林省长岭县为例

    Landscape Patterns and Changes of Farming-Pastoral Zone in Northeast China Based on the Remote Sensing Data & A Case Study of Changling County of Jilin Province

  16. 第三章基于长岭县的土地利用数据,研究土地利用斑块和土地利用空间格局的图形信息涵义。

    The third chapter studied the graphic information significant of land use patch and land use spatial pattern based on the land use data in Changling County .

  17. 以吉林省西部土壤退化典型地区大安市和长岭县为例,研究、分析了该地区土壤退化特征及机理。

    The characteristics and mechanism of soil degradation were analyzed , as the case study of Da'an city and Changling county in the west part of Jilin province .

  18. 2002年9月7日至10月8日,在长岭县十四号种畜场选择57只澳大利亚引进的黑头萨福克肉羊为供体,选择本地绵羊为受体;

    In 2002 from September 7 to October 8 , at the No. 14 breeding animal farm of ChangLing we choose 57 black head Suffolk sheep coming from Australia as the donor , choosing the native sheep as the recipient ;