
ruì qì
  • spirit;dash;drive;élan;brains and drive
锐气 [ruì qì]
  • [dash;drive;spirit] 一往无前的气概

  • 年轻人都有一股锐气

锐气[ruì qì]
  1. 官兵的精神和锐气高得惊人。

    Spirit and dash shown by commanders and troops have been remarkable .

  2. 年轻人特有的热情和锐气在这些人当中没有多大表现。

    The fire and dash pertaining to youth are not much in evidence among these people .

  3. 这几支队伍与其邻近地区队伍交手时锐气更盛。

    The teams have that extra bite when they are playing against their neighbours

  4. 跟其他演员一样,他有时也会以自我为中心,但我想自己已经找到了如何挫他锐气的办法。

    Like any actor he can be self-centred but I think I 've worked out how to deflate him

  5. 锐气大挫。

    ( His ) drive was greatly lessened .

  6. 这场比赛咱们一定得赢,不能挫了锐气。

    We 've got to win the game , otherwise we 'll lose our momentum .

  7. 如此锐气,二十后生而有之,六旬男子则更多见。

    This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 .

  8. 一旦天线下降,锐气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生,即使年方二十,实已垂垂老矣;然则只要树起天线,捕捉乐观信号,你就有望在八十高龄告别尘寰时仍觉年轻。

    When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism , then you are grown old , even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up , to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80 .

  9. 将要参加PGA,我可能没有所希望的那样有锐气。

    Heading into the PGA I 'm probably not as sharp as I would like to be .

  10. 有些人可能会告诉你,下城区是各大画廊云集之处,而且这个金融行政区(FinancialDistrict)有着某种锐气与活力,不同于上城区那些光鲜亮丽的公园、博物馆和时尚的百货商店。

    Someone might tell you that Downtown , home to galleries and the Financial District has a certain edge and energy , compared to the polish of Uptown 's parks , museums and posh department stores .

  11. 在失去JBoss的锐气之后,JavaEE应用服务器市场已经基本上是IBM和Oracle两匹马在跑了。

    With the loss of momentum from JBoss , the Java EE application server market now looks set to be a two-horse race between IBM and Oracle .

  12. 我真希望有人能去挫挫那人的锐气。

    I wish someone would put that man in his place .

  13. '苹果'削弱了'电脑'这个词的锐气。

    Apple took the edge off the word ' computer . '

  14. 作为首相,她有相当的锐气。

    As a prime minister , she had a certaindlan .

  15. 你这样做是不是想挫挫我的锐气。

    All you do is accuse me of being overbearing .

  16. 他们的锐气和财力都已经到了尽头。

    They had come to the end of their spirit and resources .

  17. 任何困难都不能挫败商船船员的锐气。

    Nothing daunted the ardour of the merchant navy .

  18. 如此艰辛的生活挫败了她的锐气。

    Such a hard life has broken her spirit .

  19. 我觉得你失了你的锐气。

    F I think you are losing your edge .

  20. 然后是壮年,年富力强,但锐气日减;

    then his strength of years , when it is solid and reduced ;

  21. 做事认真是一种锐气

    This is just a kind of an old trick

  22. 时间已经挫掉了你的锐气。

    Time has done nothing but made you weak .

  23. 希拉里.克林顿希望能在德克萨斯州和俄亥俄州挫一挫奥巴马的锐气。

    Clinton is hoping to stop Obama 's momentum in Texas and Ohio .

  24. 但盖茨也许还是应该收敛一下锐气。

    But Gates probably should have still checked his swagger at the door .

  25. 应该有人挫挫他的锐气。

    Someone should cut that man down to size !

  26. 不过,这段经历让我锐气大减。

    It has been a very humbling experience .

  27. 他从起跑开始就一路领先,挫伤了竞争对手的锐气。

    In the process of running from the front , he demoralized his competitors .

  28. 彼得自以为是角力能手,但我挫了他的锐气。

    Peter thought he was a good wrestler , but I took him down .

  29. 今天丹尼尔开除了家里的下人想借此挫我的锐气

    Daniel tried to put me in my place by firing the house staff today .

  30. 他们绝不会挫败我们的锐气。

    They 'll never break our spirit .