
  • 网络silver-zinc battery;zinc-silver storage battery;zinc-silver accumulator
  1. 充油压力补偿式锌银蓄电池因其特殊的结构形式多用于深海潜水器等特殊领域。

    The oil-filled pressure-compensated silver-zinc battery is usually used in deep submergence vehicles because of special structure .

  2. 论述了这种锌银蓄电池的耐压结构设计、气液分离方式以及高压环境对电池性能的影响。

    This paper outlined the battery 's structure exposured by high pressure , the structure of gas / liquid separator and effect of high pressure on the battery 's performance in research of the oil-filled pressure-compensated silver-zinc battery .

  3. 添加剂对锌银蓄电池性能的影响

    Effects of additive on the performance of Zn / AgO battery

  4. 锌银蓄电池隔膜阻银的研究

    Investigation on prevention of silver migration for separators in Ag-Zn secondary batteries

  5. 介绍锌银蓄电池银迁移的试验方法&动态模拟电池法。

    The method for determining silver migration in silver oxide-zinc batteries is introduced .

  6. 用于锌银蓄电池的新型纤维素隔膜

    New improved cellulosic separator for zinc silver rechargeable batteries

  7. 高倍率锌银蓄电池组的研制

    Research on high multiple rate zinc silver battery

  8. 航空锌银蓄电池用活性锌粉的研究

    The study on the active zinc powder used for aircraft zinc / silver secondary batteries

  9. 本文概述了锌银蓄电池的组成、能,以及锌银蓄电池正极、极、膜技术上的进步,理论上的研究。

    This paper describes the component and characteristics of silver-zinc batteries , advances in technologies of positive and negative poles and membrane , and theoretic studies .

  10. 本文介绍锌银蓄电池中银回收与提纯的工艺方法,工艺简单,投资少,效益高。

    A simple technological method for the retrieval and purification of silver in the type XYG45 - ( 3 ) G alkaline storage battery it is introduced .

  11. 抗氧化剂会破坏水化纤维素膜的大分子结构,使其抗拉强度降低,使锌银蓄电池的使用寿命缩短。

    The antioxidant could destroy the macromolecule structure of hydrocellulose membrane , reduce its tensile strength , shorten the service life of the zinc-silver battery was shortened .

  12. 实验结果表明:活性锌粉直接干压成型,作为锌银蓄电池负极,其电池组电性能完全达到化成方式生产的电池组性能。

    The results show that the performance of the active zinc powder electrode used for Zinc / Silver second batteries was similar to the formation zinc electrode .

  13. 高功率锌银整体蓄电池的研制

    Development of high power unitary Zn-AgO battery

  14. 简要介绍了活性锌粉的制备方法,对活性锌粉和使用活性锌粉制造锌电极的锌银蓄电池进行了性能实验。

    In this paper , the fabrication technique for making an active zinc powder was described and the performance of the active zinc powder electrode used for zinc / silver secondary batteries was studied .