
  • 网络Li-polymer;lipo;lithium polymer battery;LITHIUM POLYMER;li-polymer battery
  1. 锂离子和锂聚合物电池由于能量密度高和长循环寿命等优点,在便携式设备中得到了广泛的应用。

    Li-ion and Li-polymer battery are being widely used . Their high energy density and long life make them the suitable selection for portable application .

  2. 锂聚合物电池气胀问题的研究

    Research of Lithium Polymer Battery Swollen

  3. HB-SIA重量的四分之一都是这些锂聚合物电池,它们转化来的电能在试飞时可以驱动四个推进器。

    A quarter of the weight of HB-SIA is accounted for by its lithium-polymer batteries , which will power the four electrically driven propellers during the first test flights .

  4. E430以锂聚合物电池为动力,机身重近1000磅,飞行中每小时消耗价值2.5美元的电。在过去几个月里,E430完成了总计超过20小时的多次试飞,包括在美国加州卡马里罗市的一次试飞。

    Powered by lithium polymer batteries , weighing close to a thousand pounds , and sipping about $ 2.50 worth of electricity per hour of flight , the E430 has completed more than 20 hours in test runs during the last couple months , including one in Camarillo , CA , that can be seen here .

  5. 宝马惠普克努斯特调用,这自行车是由一个为电能储存锂聚合物电池氢燃料电池。

    Called as BMW HP Knust , this bike is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell with a lithium polymer battery for electrical energy storage .

  6. 利用干聚合物锂聚合物电池让他们可以制造更多不同。锂离子电池充电。

    Lithium polymer batteries utilize a dry polymer which enables them to be manufactured in a greater variety of shapes and sizes than lithium ion batteries .

  7. 在最后一刻安装新型电池的决定为探险队带来麻烦;埃尔伍德的锂聚合物电池在船内著火了。

    The decision to install a new type of battery at the last minute came to haunt the expedition ; elwood 's lithium-polymer battery ignited while in the bowels of the ship .

  8. 使用串联的大容量锂聚合物电池作为电源管理系统的输入,设计了可动态调整电压的电源管理系统,通过温度传感器、陀螺仪、地磁传感器及加速度传感器等实现各种丰富的多媒体应用。

    Large-capacity lithium polymer battery are used as the input of the power management system , designed DVFS system , and temperature sensor , gyroscope , E-compass and acceleration sensor to achieve a variety of rich multimedia applications .

  9. 锂硫聚合物电池的电化学性能研究

    Electrochemical Characterization of Li / Sulfnr polymer battery

  10. 尽管新技术面临诸多障碍,但如果在五年内出现既实用又远好于现有产品的电池,特斯拉斥资50亿美元新建的建锂离子聚合物电池工厂就可能变成巨大负担。

    While plenty of hurdles face new battery tech , the emergence of a viable and significantly better battery in the next five years could turn Tesla 's $ 5 billion facility for mass producing lithium-ion batteries into a giga-albatross .

  11. 聚吡咯(PPy)是一种典型的导电高分子,具有较高的导电性、可逆的氧化还原特性,电荷贮存能力较强,在空气和水中稳定性较好,是锂/聚合物二次电池理想的正极材料。

    Polypyrrole ( PPy ) is one of the typical conducting polymers . It can be used as anode of lithium secondary battery because of its high conductivity and electrical redox property , high electric charge reserve ability and good stability in air or water .

  12. 锂离子/锂聚合物电池是90年代发展起来的一种新型的二次电池。

    Lithium-Ion / Lithium-Polymer battery is a new kind of rechargeable battery developed since 90 's.

  13. CN3051A/CN3052A是一种新型锂离子或锂聚合物电池充电芯片。

    The CN3051A / CN3052A is a new type of charging chip of lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery .

  14. 锂/聚合物二次电池无论在容量、形状、充放电性能、安全与环境问题等方面还有相当大的发展空间。

    Lithium / polymer secondary batteries have big developing spaces in capacity , shape , charge-discharge property , security and enviroment .

  15. 文中通过对新型的锂离子电池、锂聚合物电池与铅酸电池、镍镉电池、镍氢电池等比较,突出了其优点;

    From the comparisons between novel li - ion battery , lithium polymer battery and lead - acid battery , nickel-cadmium battery , their advantage is highlighted .

  16. 介绍了新型的锂离子电池、锂聚合物电池的构成、工作原理、电极材料特性及发展前景。

    The paper also introduces the composition , operation principle of the novel li - ion battery and li - polymer battery and the characteristics of their electrode material and the development .

  17. 概述了密封铅蓄电池、镉镍电池、镍金属氢化物电池、锂离子电池、锂聚合物电池的特性、使用维护、价格、应用情况,并比较了它们的长处和短处。

    The characteristics , maintenance , cost and usage of VRLA , Ni / Cd , Ni / MH , Lithium-ion and Lithium polymer battery were reviewed , their advantage and disadvantage were compared also .

  18. 但与常规充电方式相比,这一过程也会导致锂离子(以及锂聚合物)电池的耗损速度加快。

    But this process also leads lithium-ion ( and lithium-polymer ) batteries to corrode faster than they otherwise would .

  19. MH-Ni电池为固溶体反应,锂离子电池是典型的嵌入型电极反应,锂聚合物电池正极为嵌入型反应,负极为锂的溶解-沉积反应。

    Ni-MH battery was solid solution reaction . Li-ion battery has the typical intercalation electrode reaction . And the positive electrode and negative electrode of lithium polymer battery were intercalation reaction and dissolution-aggradation reaction respectively .