
yín hánɡ tuō shōu
  • bank collection
  1. 在合同规定货到付款或银行托收的条件下,卖方有时会损失钱财。

    The seller can sometimes lose money in a contract that stipulates payment after the arrival of goods or by bank collection .

  2. 中国银行托收委托书

    Letter of delegation " Application for collection , Bank of China "

  3. 凡未经划线之支票或经普通划线之支票送交银行托收,该银行可作特别划线,划予其本行。

    Where an uncrossed cheque , or a cheque crossed generally , is sent to a banker FOR collection , he may cross it specially to himself .

  4. 受委托人民法院自收到委托函件之日起十五日内不执行的,中国银行托收委托书

    If the execution is not performed by the entrusted people 's court within 15 days of receiving the letter of entrustment , " Application for collection , Bank of China "

  5. 单据:卖给方应将下列单据提交银行议付托收。

    Documents : The sellers shall present the following documents required to the banks for negotiationcollection .

  6. 如支票已被特别划线,被特别划线的该银行作为托收,可再将支票特别划线给另一银行。

    If a check has been crossed in particular , were crossed to the bank as a special collection can be crossed and then check to another bank in particular .

  7. 汇票已交银行按光票托收。

    The draft have be hand to the bank for clean collection .

  8. 我们将汇票交银行按跟单托收。

    We 're sending our draft through Bank of China for documentary collection .

  9. 我认为,银行办理跟单托收时在买卖双方之间起着代理和中介的作用。

    I think , when handling the documentary collection , the bank acts as agent and intermediary between the seller and the buyer .

  10. 如一张未划线的支票或一张一般划线支票寄给银行以作托收,银行可将此支票特别划线给本行。

    If one has not crossed a check or a check sent to banks in general crossed for collection , the bank can use this check to the Bank in particular crossed .

  11. 但是一些国内银行在处理跟单托收业务时存在着认识上的误区,造成了业务上的纠纷,产生了一定的风险隐患,不利于国内银行业外汇业务的发展。

    But incorrect understand is existed when some domestic bank transact Documentary Collection , which result in the entanglement and risk in operation .

  12. URC522中规定了广泛的银行免责的情形,然而适用这些情形的前提是银行的托收行为符合善意和合理谨慎。

    Banks are granted with a wide range of disclaimer situations under URC 522 , which are subject to the preemptive " good faith and reasonable care " principle .