
  • 网络alumina-silica ratio;A S
  1. 经过一次粗选、一次精选,槽内产品实现回收率(以Al2O3计)75.03%,铝硅比10.66。

    Recovery ( Al2O3 ) of the product in the tank amounts to 75.03 % , A / S 10.66 .

  2. 脱泥后反浮选精矿铝硅比提高了0.32,为10.63;Al2O3回收率提高了4.32个百分点,为86.25%;

    By desliming , the ratio of Al 2O 3 to SiO 2 can be increased by 0.32 to 10.63 and the recovery by 4.32 percentage points to 86.25 % .

  3. 铝硅比在0.35时,结合剂的耐火度为870℃,抗弯强度值最大,达到74.41MPa。

    When the Al2O3 / SiO2 in the bond is 0.35 , the refractoriness of the vitrified bond is 870 ℃, and the maximum bending strength ( 74.41MPa ) of the bond is achieved . 2 ) .

  4. 低铝硅比铝土矿预脱硅研究

    The study of preroasting desilication of low A-S ratio bauxite

  5. 高铝硅比熟料烧成工艺研究

    Study of the sintering process for the high a / s clinker

  6. 低铝硅比烧结工艺研究

    Study of Sinter Technique with Low Alumina - silica Ratio

  7. 高铝硅比矿的可磨性试验及矿物学研究

    The Grindability Test and Mineralogy Study on Ore with High Aluminum / Silicon

  8. 低铝硅比生料动态烧结和溶出试验研究

    Dynamic sintering and digest of crude material with low al / si ratio & its test

  9. 以铝硅比为5~6的河南铝土矿为原料进行了铝土矿的选择性磨矿试验。

    Selective grinding experiments are made with Henan bauxite of A / S 5 ~ 6 as feed .

  10. 高铝硅比熟料烧成工艺宜选用三组份配方。

    The sintering process of the high A / S clinker can select the dose of the third component .

  11. 试验结果表明:提高铝硅比可以降低莫来石形成的起始温度;

    The test results showed that the starting temperature of forming mullite can be decreased by increasing Al / Si ratio .

  12. 单矿物溶出试验表明:升温能够提高高岭石的溶出率,铝硅比也随着温度升高而增大。

    The high-temperature can raise the dissolved rates of kaolinite , and the A / S ratio increased with the increase of temperature .

  13. 由于我国铝土矿铝硅比低,氧化铝生产主要采用烧结法和联合法。

    Owing to the low-grade A / S of the aluminum mine , the sinter and combined method are widely adopted in our country .

  14. 综合以上结果推断,通过正常铝硅比1:4的沸石改性的复合质子交换膜有较好的综合性能。

    All the results indicate that the normal Al / Si ratio ( 1:4 ) zeolite modified composite membrane has the excellent performance characteristics .

  15. 对高铝硅比熟料烧成工艺进行了系统研究,弄清了两组份和三组份熟料的最佳配方,以及适宜的烧成作业条件。

    After investigating the process , the premium dose for the second and third component as well as an available sintering operating conditions is found .

  16. 研究表明:影响材料性能的主要因素有废砂活性、磷酸、添加剂、烧结工艺以及混合料中的铝硅比等。

    Through mixing , pouring and intensifying , the foam of ceramics phosphate could be produced and provided with the nature of high strength and porous .

  17. 液固比的提高也能增加高岭石的溶出率,增加液固比有利于提高铝硅比。

    The dissolved rates of kaolinite also can be increased by increasing liquid-solid ratio , and thereby A / S ratio can be raised by increasing liquid-solid ratio .

  18. 现有矿石铝硅比低而含硫高,资源零星分散,开采条件差,而不能利用。

    But the remains is difficult to utilize due to its low mass ratio of alumina to silica , high content of sulphide , divergent resources and poor mining conditions .

  19. 通过选择性碎解可得到部分较高铝硅比的粗粒级产品,同时细粒级铝土矿的铝硅浮选分离选择性也得到相应提高。

    Through the selective cracking , a part of coarse fraction product having high alumium-silicon ratio could be obtained and the selectivity of alumium-silicon separation in flotation could be raised accordingly .

  20. 此时脱硅率达55.20%,精矿铝硅比(AS)为9.9,与加压溶出条件下取得的脱硅效果相当。

    Under the above conditions , the desilication ratio is 55.20 % and the A / S ratio is 9.9 . These results is equal to the ones obtained by pressure digestion .

  21. 然而,由于我国铝土矿资源现状,大多需要进行选矿处理达到一定铝硅比才能满足拜耳法对原料的要求。

    This process , however , requires a high ratio of aluminium to silicate of bauxite , which is mostly achieved by mineral beneficiation , due to the poor bauxite quality in China .

  22. 介绍了中、低铝硅比的一水硬铝石-高岭石型铝土矿,回转窑焙烧脱硅试验的情况。

    Tests on the desilication of monohydrate and kaolinite type bauxite ores that have medium and low ratios of aluminium to silicon ( Al / Si ) by roasting in rotary kiln are presented .

  23. 开发低品位铝土矿高效正浮选捕收剂以提高我国一水硬铝石型铝土矿的铝硅比,对解决我国氧化铝生产中存在的问题具有重大意义。

    In order to solve the problem in alumina production , it is important to develop new collectors of direct flotation for improving the Al / Si ( mass ratio of Al2O3 to SiO2 ) of diasporic bauxite in China .

  24. 1000℃氧化试验和900℃热腐蚀(盐膜法)结果表明渗铝硅涂层比单纯渗铝涂层具有更好的保护性能。

    The results of oxidation test at 1000 ~ C and hot corrosion test ( using salt-film method ) at 900 ℃ show that Si-containing aluminium coatings have better protective properties then plain aluminium coatings .

  25. 酸处理改性会使Beta分子筛脱铝,硅铝比提高。

    The Si / Al ratio of Beta zeolite was increased by the acid treatment .

  26. 贵州铝土矿是高硅低铁、难溶的一水硬铝石型矿石,其铝矿物及硅矿物比俄罗斯和希腊同类型铝土矿中的铝硅矿物都难溶。

    Guizhou bauxite is a difficult to digest diaspore bauxite and its silicon content is high while iron content is low . The aluminiferous and siliceous minerals in the bauxite are more difficult to dissolve than those in the same kind of bauxites from Russia and Greece .

  27. 为实现拜耳法生产氧化铝,针对我国高铝、高硅、低铝硅比型的铝土矿利用离心力场进行分选,以达到铝硅比要求,具有较为重要的意义。

    In order to use Bayer process to produce alumina , centrifugal force field was used in separating diasporic bauxite of our country , to improve alumina-silica ratio .

  28. 在中国,铝土矿以一水硬铝石型为主,其主要特征是高铝、高硅、低铝硅比、矿物组成复杂且铝、硅矿物间的嵌布关系密切。

    Diasporic bauxite is the major kind in China , charactered by high-aluminum , high-silicon , low ratio of Al2O3 to SiO2 , complicated mineral compositions and nearly disseminated associations of aluminous minerals and silicate minerals .