
ní suān
  • niobic acid
  1. 酸处理对铌酸催化剂性能的影响

    Effects of acid treatment on the catalytic properties of niobic acid

  2. 铌酸和含铌化合物独特酸性和热稳定性,广泛的应用催化领域中。

    Niobic acid and compounds containing niobium are applied in a wide range of catalysis fields for their unique acidic property and thermal stability .

  3. 铌酸锶钡钠系统X射线衍射数据的测定

    Determination of X-ray powder diffraction data for sodium strontium barium niobate system

  4. 铌酸锌(Zn3Nb2O8)单晶的生长

    Czochralski growth of zinc niobium ( zn_3nb_2o_8 ) single crystals

  5. 用不同链长的有机胺柱撑镧铌酸,采用X射线衍射、热重、差热等分析方法对合成的各种产物进行表征。

    Amine-pillared lanthanum niobates with different chains length as pillars were characterized with XRD , TG and DSC .

  6. 使用X射线衍射技术研究了掺铬铌酸锶钡晶体的晶格常数。

    The unit cell parameter of Cr doped strontium barium niobate are studied by means of X ray diffraction technique .

  7. 成功地生长、制备出了双掺(V,Cr)钾钠铌酸锶钡晶体样品。

    The double-doped ( V , Cr ) potassium sodium strontium barium niobate crystal sample has been successfully grown and prepared .

  8. CuO掺杂铌酸盐基无铅压电陶瓷的性能研究

    Study on CuO Doping Effects of Potassium Niobate-Based Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramics

  9. 铌酸盐材料的透射EDS定量分析及自校正方法

    EDS quantitive analysis of niobates in TEM via self-correction method

  10. 测量了双掺(Cu,Ce)钾钠铌酸锶钡晶体在红光波段的二波耦合特性及其光诱导吸收变化。

    Two wave mixing experiments and light induced absorption changes experiments in ( Cu , Ce )∶ KNSBN crystals were carried out .

  11. 在TB型铌酸盐晶体的合成中,掺杂实际是晶体分子设计的一部分。

    In the synthesis of TB type niobate crystals , doping is one part of the molecular design of crystals .

  12. 研究了钨青铜(TB)型铌酸盐晶体分子设计及其掺杂的原理。

    Principles of the molecular design and doping of tungsten bronze ( TB ) niobate crystals are studied in this paper .

  13. 研究了掺杂对钨青铜(TB)型铌酸盐晶体的结构、生长及性能的影响。

    The influences of doping on the structure growth and properties of TB type niobate crystals are studied in this paper .

  14. 熔盐法制备棒状复合碱土金属铌酸盐熔融铝酸钙渣在80吨LF炉的应用实践

    Molten Salt Synthesis of Rod-like Tungsten Bronze Niobate Particles PRACTICAL PROCESS OF THE PREMELTED CALCIUM ALUMINATE IN 80t-LF

  15. 采用聚合物前驱体法制备了铌酸镁(Mg4Nb2O9)微波介质陶瓷。

    Magnesium niobate ( Mg_4Nb_2O_9 ) microwave medium ceramics were prepared by the polymeric precursor method .

  16. 研究了掺铈钾钠铌酸锶钡(Ce∶KNSBN)光折变光纤扇特性及两波耦合的基本特性。

    Properties of fanning effect and two wave coupling in a Ce ∶ KNSBN photorefractive fiber were studied .

  17. 通过对该曲线的研究,发现铌酸钙钡晶体吸收边以下对应的跃迁为间接跃迁,计算出间接跃迁的禁带宽度Eg以及声子能量EP。

    Furthermore , the bandgap width Eg for the indirect transition and the phonon energy Ep are calculated by using this curve respectively .

  18. 铌酸纳(8Na2O·6Nb2O5·33H2O)的制备及其在氢氧化钠溶液中溶解度的研究

    Preparation of pure sodium niobate ( 8na_2o · 6 Nb _2o_5.33h_2o ) and study of its solubility in sodium hydroxide solution

  19. 而在一定KOH浓度下,温度越高越容易得到不溶性的铌酸盐沉淀。不溶性沉淀经ICPAES和XRD分析证明为偏铌酸钾(KNbO3)。

    The insoluble niobate precipitates formed during Nb_2O_5 dissolving in KOH sub-molten salt were analyzed by ICP-AES and XRD , which was proved to be KNbO_3 .

  20. 使用X射线衍射技术测定了掺铜铌酸钡钠(BNN)和掺铬铌酸锶钡(SNB:60)的晶格常数。

    The unit-cell parame-ters of barium sodium niobate with Cu doping and strontium barium niobate with Cr doping are determined by means of X-ray diffraction technique .

  21. BaTiO3掺杂对铌酸盐基无铅压电陶瓷性能的影响

    Effects of batio_3 addition on electric properties of Niobate Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramics

  22. 其次,本文对铌酸催化环己醇脱水成烯反应作了探索,并与γ-Al2O3进行了比较,发现其催化活性及活性稳定性均优于γ-Al2O-3。

    Secondly , the dehydration of cyclohexanol catalyzed by niobic acid in gas-phase was investigated . Compared with r-Al_ ( 2 ) O_ ( 3 ), niobic acid is excellent in catalytic activity and stability .

  23. 铌酸也作为载体负载金属,应用于F-T合成、氧化反应和加氢等反应中;

    Compounds containing niobium , as a supporter loaded metal , can be used in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis , hydrogenation and oxidation reactions etc.

  24. 锌铌酸铅-锆钛酸铅(PZN-PZT)压电陶瓷和陶瓷纤维的制备

    Fabrication of PZN-PZT Piezoceramics and Ceramic Fibers A Preparation of Lead Magnesia-Niobate Piezoelectric Ceramic

  25. 高温涡街流量传感器是根据卡门涡街理论,采用高温压电陶瓷制成的敏感器件,本传感器使用PNC型改性偏铌酸铅高温压电陶瓷。

    The high temperature vortex flow - sensor is a sensitive part which is made of high temperature piezoelectric ceramics with Karman vortex theory .

  26. 实验结果显示,双掺(V,Cr)钾钠铌酸锶钡晶体具有很高的光诱导吸收系数,其值高达3cm-1,且光诱导吸收依赖于泵浦束光强和探测束光偏振。

    It is observed that the light-induced absorption coefficient of the sample depends on the intensity of the pump light beam and the polarization of the probe light beam . A variation as high as 3 cm - - 1 of the light-induced absorption coefficient is measured .

  27. 在实验中观察到扩散和漂移机理下在光折变晶体铌酸锶钡(SBN)与空气的界面形成的光折变表面电磁波。

    Photorefractive surface electromagnetic wave ( PR SEW ) at the interface between SBN crystal and air based on drift and diffusion mechanism was observed experimentally for the first time .

  28. 在100K~450K范围内,研究了铌酸钡铅(PBN)系统中三种不同组份晶体的介电和热释电性。

    The dielectric and pyroelectric properties of three crystals in the system of lead barium niobate ( PBN ) were investigated in the temperature range from 100K to 450K .

  29. 本文对CBN-28晶体的光谱特性和热特性进行了实验结果进行了介绍,并与其他钨青铜结构铌酸盐晶体进行了比较分析。

    In this thesis , the spectral and thermal experiments results of CBN-28 were introduced , and were compared with some other tetragonal tungsten bronze crystals .

  30. 无铅无铋压电陶瓷是一类绿色环保材料,主要包括:BaTiO3基压电陶瓷、铌酸盐系压电陶瓷。

    Lead-free and bismuth-free piezoelectric ceramics is a kind of " green " materials which does no harm to environment . It mainly includes : Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics based on BaTiO_3 、 niobate compounds .