
  • 网络Railway freight transportation
  1. 本文在深入研究铁路货物运输业务流程的基础上,采用电子数据交换(EDI)技术,探讨了铁路货物追踪查询实现的可行性方案。

    Based on the lucubration of the process of railway freight transportation , the thesis adopts EDI technique and discusses the feasible schemes for the inquires of cargo track .

  2. 俄远东铁路货物运输及其国际合作

    The Russian Far East Railway Freight Transportation and its international cooperation

  3. WTO规则下中国铁路货物运输业发展研究

    Study on Development of Chinese Railway Freight Transport Industry under WTO Rules

  4. 基于SERVQUAL的铁路货物运输服务质量评价,有助于铁路货物运输质量的提高。

    It is very useful to improve the rail freight transportation service quality to evaluate the rail freight transportation service quality by SERVQUAL evaluation method .

  5. 转K6转向架是为了满足我国铁路货物运输高速重载的需要而设计的25t轴重货车转向架,其最高商业运营速度为120km/h。

    25-ton axle load K6 bogie satisfies the high-speed and heavy haul requirements of freight transportation in China , and its maximum commercial travel speed is 120km / h.

  6. 认为将SERVQUAL评价方法应用于铁路货物运输服务质量的评价中是可行的,但评价准则和子准则选取应体现铁路货物运输服务自身的特性;

    It is feasible to evaluate the rail freight transportation service quality by the SERVQUAL evaluation method , but it must incarnate the character of the rail freight transportation service when choosing the evaluation rule and sub-rule .

  7. 德国私营铁路货物运输价格的制定

    How to Fix the Price of Private Railway Freight in Germany

  8. 铁路货物运输市场准入法律问题研究

    Studying the Legal Problems on Access to Railway Freight Transport Market

  9. 在铁路货物运输过程中,各式各样的因素都可能影响货物按时送达。

    Freight delivery is influenced by various factors of freight service .

  10. 散发污染物管理规则铁路货物运输统一规则

    Emission control Uniform Rules concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail

  11. 重载化是现代化铁路货物运输的重要标志。

    Overloading of rail freight transport is an important modern symbol .

  12. 基于服务水平的铁路货物运输网络能力计算方法

    Capacity Modeling for Railway Freight Network Based on Service Level

  13. 铁路货物运输市场价格优化模型研究

    Study on Price Model of Railway Freight Transport Market

  14. 铁路货物运输发展的一个重要标志是集装箱运输。

    An important symbol of the development of railway freightage is container transportation .

  15. 铁路货物运输速度和逾期率的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis on Transit Speed and Overdue Rate in Railway Freight Transportation

  16. 敏捷化铁路货物运输产品开发方法研究

    Study on the Agile Development of Railway Freight Products

  17. 提升铁路货物运输代理企业核心竞争力的思考

    Thought on Improving Core Competitiveness of Railway Transport Agencies

  18. 外商投资铁路货物运输业审批与管理暂行办法

    Interim Procedures for the Approval and Administration of Foreign Investment in Railway Freight Transportation

  19. 铁路货物运输的随机过程分析和及时送达概率估计

    Stochastic Process Analysis of Railway Freight Traffic and Probability Estimation of In-time Freight Transport

  20. 加快铁路货物运输相关措施的研究

    Study on Methods About Accelerating Railway Freight Transportation

  21. 铁路货物运输成本特性研究

    Research on cost feature of railway freight traffic

  22. 我国铁路货物运输发展的灰色关联分析

    The Grey Related Analysis of Development that the Railway Goods Transported of Our Country

  23. 我国铁路货物运输业发展研究

    Study on Development of Chinese Railway Freight Transport

  24. 物流与信息流的辩证关系及其在铁路货物运输中的应用

    Dialectical Relation between Logistics and Information Flow and Its Application to Railway Freight Transportation

  25. 国际铁路货物运输合同

    Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Rail

  26. 论海上货物运输与铁路货物运输责任期间的衔接关系

    On Link-up of Period of Responsibility in Carriage of Goods by Sea and by Railway

  27. 逾期送达是影响铁路货物运输市场竞争力的一个重要因素;

    Late delivery of freight is an important factor affecting market competition of railway freight service .

  28. 重载运输是世界铁路货物运输技术发展的重要方向。

    Heavy freight transportation is the major development orientation of railway freightage techniques in the world .

  29. 对青藏铁路货物运输影响极大的公路集疏运条件也存在明显的季节性波动。

    Secondly , highway traffic conditions affecting greatly on railway freight of Geermu-lhasa railway also fluctuates significantly .

  30. 提高铁路货物运输的优势,就要从节约时间以及能耗和安全性方面加以改进。

    We should improve the respects of saving time , energy consumption and safety to enhance its advantages .