
tiě hé
  • Iron box;steel box/case
  1. 你相信这个驾驶舱,就在右图貌不惊人的「铁盒」中吗?

    Would you believe this cockpit is actually all inside the unprepossessing contraption on the right ?

  2. 他打开铁盒,我看见一卷公文,虽然纸色发黄,但字迹还清楚可读。

    He opened it and I saw a bundle of papers , yellowed but still legible .

  3. 在角落里,看上去像是小扫帚的东西浸泡在一个铁盒里。

    In a corner , what seemed to be small broomsticks were soaking in a tin box .

  4. 繁花锦簇的小铁盒,含有浓郁幽淡的白兰花芬香,一小盒的万紫千红的美足以把一万种奢华比下去。

    The fantastic tiny iron box with a faint perfume of white orchid was superior to any kind of luxuries at that time .

  5. 在一个小铁盒里,所以很便于携带,比凡士林什么的方便多了。

    It is also in a nice sized small container , so it 's easy to carry around rather than using vaseline or something .

  6. 产品呈花瓣状排列,盛载在一个制作精美、绘有奥运圣火传递路线图的铁盒内。

    The pins are displayed beautifully in the pattern of a flower and housed appropriately in a tin box with world map on the outside .

  7. 用一把木尺、一把金属匙、一枚硬币、一个铁盒盖、一枝铅笔和一块橡皮,重做这个试验。

    Repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler , a metal spoon , a coin , a tin lid , a pencil and a rubber eraser .

  8. 今个中秋,香港地球之友得到多个屋苑管理公司的鼎力支持,共同推动回收月饼铁盒。

    A big way to help is to support Friends of the Earth ( HK ) 's Moon-kick Action and to help recycle tin moon-cake boxes .

  9. 他贪婪的幻想着一个让他攀附的岩石并坚持认为他一定是铁盒中最后存活的蛆虫。

    His greed for life makes his ego imagines a rock for him to hold on and he insists that he would be the last huge maggot in the tin box .

  10. 绕绳子的转盘关在灯下面的一只小铁盒里,钥匙由点灯工人保管,绳子在一定的高度内有一根金属管子保护着。

    The pulley over which this rope ran was fastened underneath the lantern in a little iron box , the key to which was kept by the lamp-lighter , and the rope itself was protected by a metal case .