
qián bì
  • coin;money;cash
钱币 [qián bì]
  • (1) [coin]∶由政府发行、上有印记、具有一定实在价值或交换价值的金属硬币(偶尔也由其他材料,如皮革、瓷制成);这类货币的集称

  • (2) [cash]∶中国过去的小铜钱,中间有一个方孔,可由中央或各省政府发行

钱币[qián bì]
  1. 魔术师将钱币藏于掌中。

    The magician palmed the coin .

  2. 您的钱币收藏是值得多少?

    Your coin collection is worth how much ?

  3. 这部电话的操作方式相反,即先拨通号码,然后投入钱币。

    It worked contrariwise ─ first you dialled the number , then you put the money in .

  4. 走路时,他衣袋里的钱币丁当作响。

    Coins in his pocket jingled as he walked .

  5. 镍可做成钱币。

    Nickel can be used for making coins .

  6. 有关钱包外观和感觉的一切——扣件和材料随着时间的流逝磨损和松动、塑料和纸质钱币及金银、以及手写电话号码和印刷电影票,都与我们日新月异的世界完全不同。

    Everything about the look and feel of a wallet — the way the fastenings and materials wear and tear and loosen with age , the plastic and paper and gold and silver , and handwritten phone numbers and printed cinema tickets — is the very opposite of what our world is becoming .

  7. 让我们来掷钱币决定谁付账吧。

    Let 's toss to see who pays it .

  8. 他爷爷是个钱币收藏家。

    His grandfather is a numismatist .

  9. X射线荧光光谱模拟标样法测定古代青铜钱币中的铅铜锡

    Determination of Pb and Cu and Sn in Ancient Bronze Coins Using X-ray Fluorescence Simulant Standard Samples Method

  10. 文中运用超声C扫描检测系统对层裂试件的微损伤形态进行检测,确是出在一维应变加载条件下的微裂纹形态呈钱币型;

    This paper reported that by using Ultrasonic C Scanning System , the shape of microcracks was found to be like penny based upon the detecting results of Ultrasonic System .

  11. 杂凑函数是许多密码算法和协议的安全保证,它广泛用于签名、群签名、MAC码、电子钱币、比特承诺、电子选举等。

    Hash function can be directly used to data integrity , and be the security guarantee for many cryptosystems and protocols such as signature , group signature , message authentication code , e-cash , bit commitment , coin-flipping , e-voting etc.

  12. Metro的分行机构正在纷纷挂起描绘百年前周边环境的怀旧大壁画,还有神奇钱币机(MagicMoneyMachines)可以在接受你的分币后吐出一张凭证,凭此到柜台换纸币。

    The Metro branches are spanking new , featuring giant , nostalgic murals depicting the neighborhood as it was a century ago , and magic money machines that take your pence and spit out a receipt you take to the counter to exchange for pound notes .

  13. 鉴于出土古钱币往往存在磨损、锈迹等不同程度的残损,且所获得的古钱币图像有光照、尺度等不同,提出了一种KPCA与SIFT相结合的古钱币多尺度图像识别方法。

    As the varying degrees of wear , rust of unearthed ancient coins and differences of the lighting , scale of acquired images , we proposed a multiscale image recognition method which combined KPCA with SIFT .

  14. 它的设计师是CY李,其所设计的台北101大厦要好很多。设计师希望通过将中国古老孔方形状钱币与现代办公大楼相结合来达到文化相融的目的。

    Architect CY Lee - who did a much better job with his Taipei 101 skyscraper over in Taiwan - wanted to fuse cultures by merging an old Chinese coin , complete with square cut-out , with a contemporary modern office block .

  15. 第一个称为质心距离直方图(HCD),它是一种基于边缘的形状特征描述子,可以根据古钱币的外轮廓形状来粗略的区分古钱币,用于判断是圆形的还是刀形的古钱币。

    The first feature calls histogram of centroid distance ( HCD ) which is a contour based shape feature descriptor . The HCD is used as a coarse retrieval and can discriminate two antique coins that have obviously different outer contours .

  16. 看,这里是一些贝壳钱币和铜币。

    Look , here are some shell money and copper coins .

  17. 早期儿童钱币认知的发展研究

    Study of the Development of the Children in Their Recognizing Money

  18. 接着她看了看钱币的反面。

    She then looked at the reverse side of the coin .

  19. 哦,是的。我在搜寻古钱币。

    Oh , yes . I 'm looking for old coins .

  20. 你们国家钱币的基本单位是什么?

    What is the basic unit of money in your country ?

  21. 商品交换媒介是谷帛、钱币并用。

    Grai ns , silks and coins were used as medium .

  22. 复合结构圆柱钱币裂纹的应力强度因子

    Stress intensity factors for Penny - shaped crack in composite cylinders

  23. 在那里开采的银子被用来铸成钱币。

    The silver which was mined there was minted into coins .

  24. 贸易意味着旅行、舟船、书写、会计和钱币。

    Trade meant travel , ships , writing , accounting and money .

  25. 不同的国家用不同的金属造钱币。

    Different countries have used different metals for their money .

  26. 杭州雷峰塔地宫出土的钱币

    The coins excavated under the Lei Feng tower of Hang Zhou City

  27. 有啊,我收集邮票和钱币。

    B : Yes , I collect stamps and coins .

  28. 成功使用便盆就能获得一枚这样的钱币。

    Successful use of the potty earns such a coin .

  29. 当死亡降临并掏出他钱包中所有崭新光鲜的钱币

    When death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse

  30. 但如果你愿意把这枚钱币卖给我。

    But if you would like to sell this coin to me .