
  • 网络vanadium titanium;vanadium and titanium
  1. 微钒钛高抗震性能建筑结构钢及其控轧工艺

    Vanadium titanium micro alloyed high anti seismic structural steels and its controlled rolling technology

  2. 影响钒钛生铁光谱分析的原因分析及对策

    Reason Analysis of the Vanadium Titanium Cast Iron Sample Spectrum with Unstable Analysis Result and Improvement Method

  3. X射线荧光光谱法测定钒钛磁铁矿成分

    Determination of Component of Vanadium Titanium Magnetite by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

  4. 含钒钛TRIP钢的组织和力学性能研究

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of TRIP steel containing vanadium and titanium

  5. Al2O3在钒钛烧结矿中的行为研究

    Study on behavior of al_2o_3 in V-bearing Titaniferous Magnetite Sinter

  6. 无论是以氧化物形式还是以盐的形式存在催化剂上,碱金属K对钒钛催化剂的钝化作用都是最强。

    The results show that potassium has the strongest poisoning effect on the catalysts among all four metals whatever in form of oxides or salts .

  7. 钒钛烧结矿适宜FeO含量的研究

    The Reasonable Content of FeO in Vanadium - titanium Sinter

  8. 含钛高炉渣,是冶炼钒钛磁铁矿产生的高炉渣。TiO2约占23-25%,主要分布于钙钛矿、富钛透辉石和攀钛透辉石中。

    The blast furnace slag containing about 25 % TiC > 2 are produced by smelting V-Ti bearing magnetite .

  9. 攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿经选矿后约有55%左右Ti进入铁精矿,在随后的高炉炼铁中,钛基本上进入高炉渣。

    About 55 % titanium contained inside Panzhihua titanium-vanadium magnetite ore enters the enriched iron concentrate , and then goes into blast-furnace slag during subsequent blast-furnace puddling .

  10. SiO2/TiO2比值及辅料对钒钛烧结矿软熔滴落性能的影响

    Impact of sio_2 / tio_2 ratio and addition of auxiliary materials on softening dropping of V-bearing Titaniferous Magnetite Sinter

  11. FeO对钒钛烧结矿产质量影响的研究

    Study on the Influence of FeO Content on Quality and Quantity of V-Ti-Bearing Sinter

  12. 石棉地区难处理金矿石浸金工艺初步研究ICP-AES法测定矿石及原料中痕量钒钛

    Primary study on gold-leaching technology for refractory gold ores in Shimian region determination of trace vanadium and titanium in ores and materials by ICP-AES

  13. 通过电子显微镜分析V、Ti在岩相中的含量,找出了钒钛钢渣与普通钢渣熔化规律差别的原因。

    Through analyzing the content of V and Ti in slag lithofacies by electron microscope , the reason why melting temperature of slag with vanadium and titanium oxides was lower than common slag was discovered .

  14. 研究得到主要结果如下:1.研究了相同含量下K、Na、Ca、Pb的氧化物和盐对钒钛催化剂NO转化率的影响。

    The main results are shown as following : 1 . The effect of K , Na , Ca , Pb oxides and salts on the NO conversion of V2O5 / TiO2 catalyst was studied .

  15. 通过使用X-射线衍射(XRD)仪进行试样的相分析,扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对试样进行形貌分析,研究钒钛生铁试样的结构对光谱分析结果的影响。

    By using X-ray diffractometer and scan electron microscope to analyse phase and morphology of sample respectively , the influence of structure for vanadium titanium cast iron sample on the analytical results obtained by atomic emission spectrometry was studied .

  16. 通过分析承钢含钒钛铁水的质量,标准,认为铁水中的Si+Ti含量应控制在0.6%左右,铁水中的硫应不大于0.05%

    With analysis of the quality and standard of vanadium-and titanium-bearing molten iron in Chengde Iron and Steel Company , it is considered that the content of Si plus Ti should be controled being around 0.6 % and S not over 0.05 % .

  17. 结果表明,Al2O3含量增加对钒钛烧结矿的产量、质量有不利影响;

    The experiment results showed that high Al_2O_3 content has negative influence on productivity and quality of sinter , Al_2O_3 in sinter is mainly observed in the form of solid solution with other minerals except perovskite phase .

  18. 针对实际应用,以Internet/Intranet平台技术,以B/S模式和ASP等WEB语言开发钒钛贸易在线业务系统,使系统具有广泛的应用前景。

    Focusing on the actual application , we develop a on-line vanadium and titanium trading system based on Internet / intranet technology , such as the B / S mode , ASP and Web language , etc which make the on-line system can be used in wide application areas .

  19. 攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿中伴生的TiO2在回收钒钛磁铁矿的磁选过程中,一半左右存在于尾矿中,现已部分回收利用,一半左右存在于铁精矿中。

    In the course of the magnetic of retrieving vanadium and titanium magnetite in Panzhihua , about half of associated titanium dioxide , which have been partly retrieved and utilized , exist at the tailings , while the other half exist at the iron concentrates .

  20. 铁矿石对脱除NOx有催化作用,钒钛磁铁矿中TiO2和V2O5的含量较高,催化能力最强,NO的脱除率接近100%。

    Iron ores have catalysis to the de-NOx efficiency . Vanadium and titanium bearing magnetic ore with higher content of TiO_2 and V_2O_5 has the strongest catalytic ability , and the de-NO efficiency is about 100 % under the experiment condition .

  21. 我国攀枝花-西昌地区的钒钛磁铁矿中伴生的TiO2约有8.7亿吨之多,约占我国钛资源的97.54%,世界钛资源的37.02%。

    In Panzhihua-Xichang area , there is as much as 870 million ton TiO2 associated with the magnetite containing vanadium and titanium , which accounts for about 97.54 % of all the titanium resources of our country or about 37.02 % of those of the world .

  22. 综合考虑辊面磨损、能耗、产品粒度,自循环超细粉碎破碎攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿最佳参数条件为破碎压力10吨、小辊筒转速231r/min;

    Considering the relationship among the abrasion of the two rolls , energy-consumptions and product size , the best parameter is that the compress pressure is 10 tons , the speed of the small roll is 231r / min.

  23. 本文阐述了钼钒钛铸铁用在X-195缸套上化学成份的选择及金相组织的特点。

    This paper deals with the choice of chemical composition and micro-structural peculiarity of this kind of cast iron when it is used for X-195 engine cylinder jacket .

  24. 钒钛磁铁矿中钪等十种元素的仪器中子活化分析

    Instrumental neutron-activated analysis of scandium and other ten elements in vanadium-titanomagnetite

  25. 矿区环境质量初步评价分析研究&以攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿-宝鼎煤矿区为例

    Primary Evaluation Analysis of the Environmental Quality in the Mining Area

  26. 钒钛合金冷硬铸铁轧辊试验研究

    Alloying Effect of Vanadium and Titanium in Chilled Cast Iron Roller

  27. 用磁选柱选分攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿的试验研究

    Experiment research of V-Ti magnetite from Panzhihua by column magnetic separator

  28. 钒钛磁铁矿中钛铁连测方法研究

    A study of successive determination of titanium and iron in V-Ti-magnetite

  29. 钒钛铸铁柴油机缸套的激光强化

    Laser Strengthening for VTi Cast Iron Cylinder Liners of Diesel Engine

  30. 热轧带肋钢筋钒钛微合金化生产试验

    Production Trial on Hot Rolled Ribbed Reinforced Bar and Microalloyed Vanadium-Titanium