
  1. 自有唐以来,齐山经历代营建,其文化底蕴日渐深厚,留下卷帙浩繁的诗词赋文献、独特的山志文献和金石文献。

    Since Tang Dynasty , Qi Mountain has gone through constructions of successive dynasties , which made its culture heritage become increasingly profound , leaving behind voluminous Verse literature , unique orography literature and epigraphy literature .

  2. 本文以出土金石简帛以及敦煌文献为基础,以《诗经》流传为线索,对异文的形成及其各个发展阶段的特点作了系统的研究。

    Following the clue of history of study on The Book of Songs , this article gives a systematic study on the foundation of Yiwen , which is based on the unearthed bamboo slips , books copied on silk and the Dunhuang documents .