
  • 网络Jinshui;jinshui district
  1. 郑州市金水区饮食服务行业人群HBV感染状况的调查分析

    Analysis of HBV Infection Among People Who Are Engaged in Catering Trade in Jinshui District , Zhengzhou

  2. 城市社区居民健康教育需求调查与对策&郑州市金水区与中原区的个案研究

    Investigation and Countermeasure of Urban Community Resident Health Education Requirement & Case Research of Jinshui District and Zhongyuan District of Zhengzhou City

  3. 郑州市区训练班多集中于城市经济较繁华的中原区、金水区。

    Most of the training classes in Zhengzhou are located in the central area of the city .

  4. 因此,应根据金水区的乙丙类传染病的总体流行规律和不同病种的流行特征,及时制定有效措施进行防治。

    Therefore , effective measures should be set up to control infectious diseases according to the general epidemic rule and the epidemic characters of various infectious diseases .

  5. 结果1、2005-2009年金水区累计报告乙丙类传染病26种,57598例,死亡34例。

    There were 26 kinds of category B and C infectious diseases , 57598 new cases and 34 death reported during 2005-2009 in Jinshui district of Zhengzhou city .

  6. 结果表明,各区的生态服务功能整体都在下降,其中金水区、中原区与管城区的变化最为明显。

    The results indicated that the ecosystem service function of all the districts had dropped , and the changes of Jinshui , Zhongyuan and Guancheng distracts were the most obvious .

  7. 而近年来金水区经济增速明显放缓,靠资源消耗和投资拉动的增长方式难以为继,产业调整和优化的压力在不断加大。

    The Jinshui District economic growth slowed sharply in recent years , rely on resource consumption and investment to boost economic growth way is unsustainable and industrial adjustment and optimization of pressure is increasing .

  8. 郑州市金水区是河南省的省会中心城区,城中村改造是金水区推动城市化、建设现代化城区、构建和谐社会的应有之义。

    Jinshui district , Zhengzhou is the central part of the capital of Henan province , rebuilding the villages in cities should be done to promote citifying , build modern district , build a harmonious society .

  9. 血源及性传播疾病是威胁金水区居民健康的主要传染病,影响金水区居民健康的主要传染病是乙肝、手足口病、其它感染性腹泻、丙肝和肺结核。

    The infectious diseases transmitted by blood and sex are the major diseases which threat the residents ' health in Jinshui District , such as Hepatitis B , Hand-Foot-Mouth disease , other infection diarrhea , Hepatitis C and Tuberculosis .