
  • 网络Jinchang;SPA;KingHal
  1. 本文还介绍了金昌冶炼厂自主开发的硫酸生产数据采集系统中的通信结构,从实践的角度出发,得出基于IPX的实时通信完全可靠的结论。

    Through analysing an implemented communication system , the conclusion that the real-time communication based on the protocal of IPX is completely reliable is reached .

  2. 工业生产废气排放是金昌市空气污染的主要来源。

    Industrial waste gas was the main source of air pollution .

  3. 金昌冶炼厂硫酸新系统建设方案探讨

    Approach to construction scheme of Jingcang Smelters new sulphuric acid system

  4. 东连镍都金昌,西接古郡酒泉。

    Jinchang nickel east are the west Jiuquan Gogun .

  5. 你知道金昌这个城市吗?

    Do you know the city called Jinchang ?

  6. 金昌市属于城市化超前型,处于磨合阶段;

    Jinchang city belongs to urbanization exorbitant type , and is at its break-in stage ;

  7. 金昌冶炼厂阳极泥处理系统存在问题及处理方法探讨

    Existing problems of treatment system of anode mud and its treating system in Jin-Chang Smelter

  8. 甘肃金昌某膨润土矿铸造用可行性的探讨

    A preliminary discussion on utility of casting of a certain bentonite deposit in Gansu Province

  9. 对金昌市初中学生不良群体形成原因从社会、家庭、学校和学生自身等四个方面进行了要素分析。

    Analyse the key element from four ways by society , families , schools and the students themselves .

  10. 介绍了金昌冶炼厂高电流密度生产阴极铜的实践及取得的成果。

    This paper introduces the production practice for copper electrolysis by raising current density in Jinchang Smelter and effects thus achieved .

  11. 归纳了金昌市初中学生不良群体8种主要表现形式和中学生参加或组织不良群体的10种前期征兆。

    Combine 8 kinds of forms of expression and 10 kinds of previous signs of joining or organizing the harmful groups .

  12. 金川集团有限公司,是世界第五大镍精炼(澳大利亚是第四),实际上是城市的金昌。

    Jinchuan Group Ltd , the world 's fifth largest nickel refiner ( Australia is fourth ), is effectively the town of Jinchang .

  13. 介绍金昌冶炼厂奥斯麦特炉重油系统在试生产期间存在的问题及改造情况,并对改造后的效果进行了评价。

    The problem and innovation of Jinchang Smelter Ausmelt Furnace heavy oil system during its trail production are introduced , and the reconstruction effect is also evaluated .

  14. 富缘剪纸社隶属于淄博金昌文化传播有限公司,是经工商局批准登记注册的正规文化艺术传播经贸实体。

    Authorized by Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Zibo , Fortune and Luck Paper Tole Arts Club is a regular economics and business entity communicating culture and arts .

  15. 金昌坳陷生储盖条件有由边缘向沉积中心由差变好的趋势,具备较好的圈闭条件,油气侧向运移距离短,有效烃源岩分布范围基本上控制了油气的平面分布。

    Regional study shows that the source reservoir sealing conditions lie the trend from bad to good from depression edge to depocenter , and trap condition is good .

  16. 结合幼苗调查,认为金昌不同矿区重金属环境中土壤种子库储量为中等水平,并具有一定的萌发能力,能够为该区植被恢复提供基本条件。

    The soil seed bank has certain germination ability according the result of seeding investigation , and which can provide basic condition for vegetation restoration in this area .

  17. 通过实验室分析及温室盆栽,研究了甘肃省河西地区张掖、武威、金昌及民勤等四地灌漠土的土壤养分状况。

    The status of nutrients of four irrigation desert soils at Zhangye , Wuwei , Jinchang and Minqin , in Gansu Province were studied using pot culture experiments .

  18. 介绍金昌冶炼厂硫酸车间Ⅰ、Ⅱ系列净化工段的技术改造及所取得的成果,论述新建300kt/a冶炼烟气制酸装置净化工段的工艺方案。

    The consequence of technical transformation of gas cleaning sections of ⅰ and ⅱ sulphuric acid plants and process scheme of a projected 300 kt / a smelter acid plant in Jingchang Smelter are described .

  19. 金昌分行在实施改革与薪酬管理过程中,还存在一些弊端,如薪酬结构不合理,薪酬体系缺乏科学性和薪酬发放缺乏公开透明等现象。

    Kim Chang-branch reform and compensation management in the implementation process , there are still some drawbacks , such as reasonable pay structure , pay system , the lack of scientific and payroll lack of transparency and so on .

  20. 通过模型试验,对甘肃省金昌市引硫济金枢纽工程的泄洪冲沙闸和溢流坝下游消能防冲效果、引水防沙效果及引水隧洞进口段水流流态进行了试验和研究。

    The experimental study is conducted to show the effects of silt releasing sluice and energy dissipating downstream of spillway dam section , diverting water to prevent sedimentation , and the flow pattern at the inlet section of diversion tunnel .

  21. 结合金昌输变电工程,分析了该输变电工程投标报价可能的风险影响因素,并利用层次分析法对给项目投标报价的风险因素进行系统评价,建立基于工程投标报价风险费率的工程风险成本预测模型。

    Combining with transmission project , this paper analyzed the possible risk factors in transformation project bidding quotation , and by using the analytic hierarchy process to evaluate the risk factors in bidding quotation , this paper established a forecasting model based on the project quotation risk cost .