
  1. 宁波十韦尔汽车部件有限公司主要生产橡胶制品和橡胶金属连接件。

    Our major products are Rubber molded parts and Rubber-Metal bonded parts for automotive use .

  2. 在点式支承玻璃建筑中,金属连接件的承载性能对整个结构的承载性能有很大影响。

    Test was made on loading properties of metal connectors in the point supporting glass structure of the conservatory of Beijing Arboretum .

  3. 分析表明,在工程中还可以对金属连接件的设计进行优化,以节约材料。

    Analysis shows that optimization can be made when designing the metal connectors in projects and the consumption of materials can be reduced .

  4. 可缩性金属支架螺栓连接件的力学特性

    Mechanical Analysis of Bolt Connectors for Mining Adjustable Metal Support s

  5. 通过试验,对金属倒刺螺母螺杆连接件接合与直角榫接合及木螺钉接合性能进行了比较和研究。

    The properties of converse-spine nut joint , dowel joint and tenon joint were separately and studied through experiment .

  6. 结果证明,金属倒刺螺母螺杆连接件接口的接合性能优于直角榫接合和木螺钉接合的性能。

    The results prove these properties of converse-spine nut to be better than those of dowel joint and tenon joint .