
yě bò he
  • wild mint
  1. 我们驱车经过红树林沼泽时,到处可见巨大的黑白色斑凤蝶与招潮蟹,它们飞(爬)过大片的野薄荷与花生地,不一会儿又在海滩边现形。

    We drove past mangrove swamps , alive with huge black-and-white common mime butterflies and fiddler crabs , past fields of wild mint and peanuts , and then emerged once more at the coast , where a long ,

  2. 止痒舒爽型成份:碧螺春,枣花蜂蜜,野菊花,薄荷,天然精油,无水硫酸钠,碳酸氢钠。

    Itch Stopping and Skin Refreshing TypeIngredients : Green tea , hypericum honey , chamomile , mint , natural essence oil , sodium sulphate anhydrous , sodium bicarbonate .

  3. 就是,地榆、野百里香和水薄荷。

    that is , burnet , wildthyme , and watermints .