
yě jú huā
  • flos chrysanthemi indici;wild chrysanthemum flower;mother chrysanthemum
野菊花[yě jú huā]
  1. 目的考查不同品种、不同产地野菊花的氨基酸分布情况。

    ObjectiveTo research amino acids of Mother Chrysanthemum in different growing areas and varieties .

  2. 想象大雨天,落雪天,蓝风筝,荒草地蔓延得很长,野菊花在摇摆。

    Imagining the big rainy day , leave the snow and sky , blue kite , spreading very long on the desolate meadow , the mother chrysanthemum is waving .

  3. HPLC测定野菊花中蒙花苷与木犀草素的含量

    Content Determination of Luteolin in Wild Chrysanthemum Flower by HPLC

  4. 河南野菊花挥发油的GC/MS分析

    Analysis of the Essential Oil from Chrysanthemum indicum by GC / MS

  5. 不同产地野菊花中黄酮类成分含量的HPLC分析

    Content analysis of flavonoids in Dendranthema indicum flower from different locations by HPLC

  6. RP-HPLC同时测定野菊花中6种黄酮的含量

    Simultaneous determination of six flavonoids in Flos Chrysanthemi Indici by RP-HPLC

  7. 目的探讨野菊花总黄酮(TFC)的抗炎作用及部分机制。

    Objective To investigate the anti-inflammatory effects of total flavonoids of chrysanthemum indicum ( TFC ) and its partial mechanism .

  8. 治疗高血压药物的研究ⅩⅢ.野菊花成分HC-1的实验治疗及毒性

    Studies on antihypertensive drugs ⅹⅲ . experimental therapy and toxicity of hc-1 , an extract from Chrysanthemum indicum

  9. 方法:将小鼠随机分为试验组和对照组,试验组小鼠腹腔注射野菊花提取物(2ml/kg),1次/d,连续7d。

    Methods : All the mice were divided into normal control group and test group . The extraction from Chrysanthemum indicum was injected to test group ( 2ml / kg ) for 7 days and physiological saline to normal control group ( 0.2ml for each mouse ) by i.p.

  10. 微波场协同提取野菊花黄色素的研究

    Study on The Microwave Extraction of Yellow Pigment from Chrysanthemum indicum

  11. 不同成熟期野菊花提取物抑菌效果比较研究

    Comparison Study on Bacteriostasis of Extract from Different Matured Dendranthema indicum

  12. 野菊花总黄酮的含量测定

    The determination of flavonoid content of flowers of Chrysanthemum indicum

  13. 野菊花提取物抑制呼吸道合胞病毒作用的体外实验研究

    Anti-respiratory Syncytial Virus Effect of the Extraction of Chrysanthemum Indicum in Vitro

  14. 野菊花高效液相色谱指纹图谱及质量评价方法的建立

    Quality Evaluation of Flos Chrysanthemi Indici by HPLC Fingerprint and Component Analysis

  15. 大孔吸附树脂法纯化野菊花总黄酮

    The purification of total flavonoids from chrysanthemum indicum using macroporous absorption resin

  16. 大孔树脂吸附法富集野菊花总黄酮的工艺研究

    Enrichment processing of total flavone of Chrysanthemum indicum with macroporous adsorption resin

  17. 野菊花总黄酮抗炎作用及部分机制

    The anti-inflammatory effects of total flavonoids of chrysanthemum indicum and its partial mechanism

  18. 野菊花栓治疗慢性前列腺炎30例

    Chronic Prostatitis Treated with Wild Chrysanthemum Suppository , A Report of 30 Cases

  19. 野菊花提取物对小鼠白细胞免疫功能的影响

    Immunological influences of Chrysanthemum indicum extract on the peritoneal leukocytes from NIH Mouse

  20. 野菊花提取物舒张血管及抗炎机制研究

    Vasodilatory and Anti-inflammatory Mechanisms of Extracts of Chrysanthemum indicum

  21. 响应面法优化野菊花多糖含量测定的前处理条件

    Pre-treatment in determining total polysaccharide in Flos Chrysanthemi Indici by response surface design

  22. 江苏产野菊花、菊花脑挥发油成分分析

    Studies of Volatile Oils from the Flowers of Chrysanthemum nankingense and Chrysanthemum indicum

  23. 野菊花颗粒抗炎、镇痛作用的实验研究

    Experimental study of Flos Chrysanthemi Indici Particles on the effects of anti-inflammation and analgesia

  24. 野菊花的研究概况

    The Overview on the Research of Flos Chrysanthemum

  25. 草地上的野菊花长得很茂盛。

    Daisics are running wild in the meadow .

  26. 结论不同种与变种的野菊花氨基酸种类及含量无明显差异。

    ConclusionThe kinds and contents of amino acids have no much difference in the varieties .

  27. 方法采用琼脂连续二倍稀释法测定野菊花水煎液最低抑菌浓度。

    Methods : MIC of Flos chrysanthemum water decoction was determined by agar dilution method .

  28. 不同品种菊花和贵州产野菊花中木犀草素的含量比较

    Content Comparison of Luteolin from Chrysanthemum morifolium of Different Varieties and Chrysanthemum indicum from Guizhou

  29. 野菊花黄色素提取工艺探索

    Extracting technology of yellow pigment from chrysanthemum

  30. 其成份包括苍耳子、木兰花、野菊花和甘草。

    Its ingredients include Xanthium fruit , magnolia flower , wild chrysanthemum and Chinese licorice root .