
  • 网络avena fatua;Wild Oat;Avena fatua L
  1. 野燕麦对油菜生长的影响及其经济阈值

    Influence of Avena fatua on growth of oilseed rape and its economic threshold

  2. 花粉生理研究&野燕麦花粉的人工萌发

    Make researches into pollen physiolgy & Pollen of wild oats sprouted artificially

  3. 提莫菲维小麦与二倍体野燕麦远缘杂交后代的SRAP分析

    Analysis of the Progenies from Wide Crosses T.timopheevi and Diploid Wild Oat Using SRAP Technique

  4. 结果表明,对照和UVB处理时小麦和野燕麦的密度制约死亡规律没有显著差异,相对较大的竞争压力加强了UVB对这两个物种生物量降低的效应。

    The density dependent mortality of both wheat and wild oat did not exhibit a significant difference between control and UV B treatments .

  5. 野燕麦花粉的人工萌发研究

    Study of induced sprout to wild oat ′ s pollen

  6. 栽培燕麦和野燕麦C-带核型比较

    C-banded karyotype comparison between Avena sativa and Avena fatua

  7. 小麦与野燕麦杂交结实性的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Cross & fruitfulness of Wheat and Wild Oat

  8. 农田野燕麦防除研究

    Study on wild oat Control in farm land

  9. 野燕麦生防真菌燕麦叶枯菌的分离培养及致病性研究

    Isolation , cultivation and pathogenesis studies of a biological control agent for wild oats

  10. 江苏省不同稻麦连作区野燕麦群体的多样性分析

    Diversity Analysis of Wild Oat Population in Rice - wheat Continuous Cropping Area of Jiangsu Province

  11. 丁香酸、对羟基苯甲酸处理对野燕麦萌发及幼苗生长的影响

    Effect of Syringic Acid and P-hydroxybenzoic Acid on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Wild Oat

  12. 野燕麦除草剂的研究进展

    Research Progress of Wild Oat Herbicides

  13. 结果表明,小麦近缘植物中存在着丰富的抗纹枯病资源,其中有5份材料表现免疫,他们是节节麦34、峨观草、野燕麦、八倍体小黑麦、六倍体小黑麦;

    The results showed that 5 accessions from relatives of wheat were immune to wheat sharp eyespot ;

  14. 苏北麦田野燕麦与麦类作物生存竞争现象研究

    A survey on the existence competition of wild oat in field with winter cereals in North Jiangsu Province

  15. 青海高原农田野燕麦发生特点及除草剂应用技术的初步探讨

    Preliminary studies on the growth habits of a wild oat and techniques for application of some herbicides in the field

  16. 从德国一返回美国,兰德尔立刻开始播种野燕麦,把自己的全部精力都放在野燕麦上。

    When Randall reached America on his return from Germany , he immediately began to sow his wild oats , and gave his whole mind to it .

  17. 本实验就是通过对野燕麦花粉的贮藏条件和萌发的研究,从而解决上述问题。

    This experiment is to passes to the hoarding term of the wild oats pollen with the research of the sprouting , from but resolve the above problem .

  18. 防除野燕麦效果达85%以上,对小麦安全,灭草后增产20%以上。

    Not only the effect can reach more than 85 % , but also it is safety to wheat and the output can reach more than 20 % after killing wild oats .

  19. 野燕麦与小麦近缘种属直接杂交成功,从杂交后代中育成系列具有兼抗高产优质的普通小麦型资源和品种(系),对小麦育种和生产具有重要意义。

    Direct hybridization between wild oat and wheat relationship genus and species have been succeeded , sources and varieties with simultaneously resistance , high yielding and high quality bred from crossing progenies which possessed important signification for wheat breeding and wheat production .