
yě wèi
  • game;venison;game as food;wild game;bushmeat
野味 [yě wèi]
  • [game as food] 野生哺乳动物,或有时为鸟类,或猎获品(如追猎)的可食用的肉;尤指猎获野兽的可食用的肉

野味[yě wèi]
  1. 他们用长矛猎取野味。

    They hunt game with spears .

  2. 这家餐厅就是Wiltons,它标榜自己自1742年以来,一直以最棒的牡蛎、鱼和野味著称。

    This is Wiltons , which advertises itself as noted since 1742 for the finest oysters , fish and game .

  3. 小白狗满脸疑惑地望着它,嗅到一股陌生的凶气和野味

    The little dog stares suspiciously at the old wolf .

  4. 人们还不适应博洛尼亚(Bologna)附近的艾米利亚(Emilia)等地的多肉饮食,或者翁布里亚区(Umbria)和托斯卡纳区等地同样多肉、多野味的食物。

    People are not prepared for the meat-heavy diet that you get in places like Emilia , around Bologna . Or the equally meat - and game-heavy diet that you get in places like Umbria and Tuscany .

  5. 适合搭配红肉、野味、家禽或芝士。

    Suitable with red meat , game , poultry or cheese .

  6. 红葡萄酒是就着肉、野味和家禽肉喝的。

    Red wine is drunk with meat , game and poultry .

  7. 这个地方风景很美,树木成林,野味很多。

    It was a beautiful wooded country , alive with game .

  8. 宜与野味、红肉、炒菜和奶酪搭配饮用。

    Delicious with game , red meat , casseroles and cheese .

  9. 适宜搭配牛肉,小山羊肉,野味及口味重的奶酪。

    Perfect with beef , lamb , game and strong cheese .

  10. 烤肉、禽类、野味、东方菜肴!

    Cuisine Roast meat , Poultry , Venison , Orient dishes !

  11. 他们用长矛或木制曲形飞镖猎取野味。

    They hunt game with spears or a curved wooden boomerang .

  12. 适宜搭配各种红肉、野味、鸭肉及奶酪。

    Perfect with all red meats , game , duck and cheeses .

  13. 搭配烤制或烟熏的肉类,野味,豆焖肉及比萨。

    With grilled and smoked meats , game , cassoulet or pasta .

  14. 好猎手的餐桌上总是不缺野味的。

    A good hunter always has game on the table .

  15. 最佳配餐:适合搭配红肉,野味和芝士。

    Best served with : Perfect with red meat , game and cheese .

  16. 适合搭配红肉,鸡,鸭,鹅,野味。

    Serve with red meat , chicken , duck , goose and game .

  17. 复杂的黑李子、波森莓、野味和碎胡椒的香气。

    Complex aromas of black plum , boysenberry , game and cracked pepper .

  18. 他们和我们一起分享了野味。

    They came to share the picnic with us .

  19. 可以和羊肉,小牛肉,禽类或野味完美的搭配。

    A perfect complement to lamb , veal , poultry and delicate game .

  20. 他时不时给我们一些野味。

    He gave us some wild animals at times .

  21. 烤牛肉、鸭、野味、熟干酪、奶酪!

    Cuisine Roast Beef , Duck , Venison , Mature Cheddar , Cheese !

  22. 喝此酒时应吃些肝、野味或舌。

    This wine should be drunk with liver , game , or tongue .

  23. 用丰富的沙司调味的菜炖野味。

    Ragout of game in a rich sauce .

  24. 搭配肌肉,红肉,野味,意大利面。

    With chicken dishes , red meats , game , and mildly seasoned pastas .

  25. 鹿和野鸡都是野味。

    Venison and pheasants are types of game .

  26. 百里香煮肉,野味,家禽,贝类也很棒!

    And , thyme tastes good with meat , game , poultry and shellfish .

  27. 请尝尝野味食品纯朴的美味吧。

    Taste the simply delicious game , please !

  28. 搭配各类红、白肉类及一些野味或蓝纹乳酪十分美味。

    Enjoy with both red and white meats , small game and blue cheeses .

  29. 出口野味与饲养动物体中痕量汞的冷原子吸收法测定

    Study on Determination of mercury in meat product for export by cold vapour AAS

  30. 根据专家调查,代表中部地区的风味是野味。

    According to the experts , the flavours that represent the Midlands are gamey .