
  • 网络Heavy Rocket
  1. NASA也已经开始建造一款重型火箭,名为太空发射系统(SpaceLaunchSystem),它将在以后的发射任务中搭载猎户座。

    NASA also started work on a heavy-lift rocket known as the Space Launch System that will carry Orion on future launchings .

  2. 猎鹰重型火箭是自“土星5号”(SaturnV)将宇航员送上月球以来发射的推力最强大的火箭。

    The Falcon Heavy is the most powerful rocket to be launched since the Saturn V programme took astronauts to the Moon .

  3. Viasat公司原本已与SpaceX签订了卫星发射合同,计划利用后者的“猎鹰”重型火箭发射它的ViaSat2卫星。

    Viasat originally signed a contract with SpaceX to launch its ViaSat 2 satellite into space via SpaceX 's Falcon Heavy rocket .

  4. “猎户座”的外形与阿波罗(Apollo)锥形太空舱相近,但是体积更大,它已经搭载在了佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的德尔塔IV重型火箭上。

    Orion , which looks like a larger version of the cone-shaped Apollo capsule , is sitting atop a Delta IV Heavy rocket at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida .

  5. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA),在周四即将使用美国私营公司最大的助推器(德而它斯重型火箭发动机),将把“猎户号深空探测器”太空舱发送距离地球3600英里处。

    NASA , for example , is using the biggest booster in the U.S. fleet , a Delta 4 Heavy , to shoot its Orion deep-space capsule as far as 3600 miles from Earth during a test flight scheduled for Thursday .

  6. 私人太空公司SpaceX的猎鹰重型火箭(FalconHeavy)周二从发射台升空时,关注埃隆·马斯克(ElonMusk)在Twitter上发的帖子就像进入了这位生于南非的科技企业家古怪、“极客范”、无畏而又鼓舞人心的世界。

    To follow Elon Musk 's Twitter feed on Tuesday as SpaceX 's Falcon Heavy rocket blasted off from its launch pad was to enter into the zany , geeky , mettlesome , and inspirational world of the South African-born tech entrepreneur .

  7. 重型火箭下面级发动机基本参数分析

    Basic parameters analysis of first stage engine system for heavy lift vehicle

  8. 空间探索技术公司首席执行官玛斯克说,猎鹰重型火箭将是有史以来最大的火箭之一。

    Company CEO Elon Musk says the Falcon Heavy will be one of the biggest rockets ever built .

  9. 随着猎鹰重型火箭发射成功,这个价值6千万欧元的大家伙现已成为美国最强的火箭,它的运力是其竞争对手的两倍。

    With liftoff , the 60m Heavy became the most powerful rocket in use today , doubling the liftoff punch of its closest competitor .

  10. 安全回收猎鹰重型火箭三枚助推器中的两枚,也是一项值得关注的成就,这意味着未来发射成本有望降低。

    The dramatic and safe return of two of the Falcon Heavy 's three boosters was also a noteworthy feat , promising to cut the cost of future launches .

  11. 那次发射是私人太空公司研发的超强力猎鹰重型火箭的一次演示,将来某一天它可能会被用来帮助运送人类前往火星。

    The launch was a demonstration of the private space firm 's ultra powerful Falcon Heavy Rocket , which would one day be used to help transport humans to Mars .

  12. 重型火箭在2004年进行首次发射,它可以将24吨重的负载发送到低地球轨道,也能将用于通讯卫星的11吨重的载荷送入地球同步轨道。

    The rocket made its first flight in2004 and is capable of launching payloads of up to24 tons into low-Earth orbit and11 tons toward the geosynchronous orbits used by communications satellites .

  13. 作为中国太空任务的主要承办公司,中国航天科技集团公司上周五表示,探索火星是我国新一代重型火箭长征五号已经接受的10大订单中的一个。

    China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp , the main contractor of China 's space missions , said on Friday that the Mars exploration is among the 10 major orders that Long March 5 , the country 's next-generation heavy lift rocket , has received so far .

  14. 随着时间的推移,SpaceX公司希望每年发射10艘重型猎鹰火箭。

    In time , SpaceX hopes to launch ten Falcon Heavy rockets a year .

  15. 我国载人登月重型运载火箭动力系统探讨

    Scheme of Chinese manned lunar rocket and its propulsion system

  16. 等等,他只为自己保留了载人航天飞船和重型运载火箭。

    N.Babakin ; and so on , keeping manned spacecraft and heavy launch vehicles for himself .

  17. 这艘重型运载火箭被设计用来直接将探测器送到地火转移轨道上。

    The heavy lift launch vehicle is designed to directly bring the probe to the transitional Earth-Mars orbit .

  18. 8月,中国发射了世界首颗量子卫星。11月,中国发射了新一代大推力重型运载火箭长征五号。

    China launched the world 's first quantum satellite in August and powerful new heavy-lift rocket Long March 5 in November .

  19. 他组建了一系列本国的火箭空间体系科研队伍,并亲自带领着一支载人航天飞船与重型运载火箭开发小组。

    He created a number of native teams within the rocket-space complex , heading up the manned spacecraft and heavy launch vehicle development group himself .

  20. 这个16层楼高的火箭是一枚重型运载火箭的原型,埃隆·马斯克称其可以在六年内将人类送至火星。

    The 16-story-tall rocket was a prototype for a heavy-lift launch vehicle Elon Musk says could carry people to Mars in as little as six years .

  21. 2020年7月23日,长征五号重型运载火箭在海南省文昌航天发射中心成功发射了我国首个独立火星探测任务“天问一号”,开启了我国行星探测计划的序幕。

    Tianwen-1 , the country 's first independent Mars mission , was launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket on July 23 from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province , kicking off the nation 's planetary exploration program .

  22. 7月23日,我国在海南文昌航天发射场,用“长征五号”重型运载火箭成功发射我国首次独立火星探测任务“天问一号”探测器,开启了我国行星探测的序幕。

    Tianwen 1 , the country 's first independent Mars mission , was launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket on July 23 at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China 's Hainan province , opening the nation 's planetary exploration program .

  23. 于登云说,我国将于2020年年底之前在海南文昌航天发射中心通过长征五号重型运载火箭发射“嫦娥五号”探测器。

    Yu Dengyun , deputy chief designer of China 's lunar exploration program , said on Sunday that Chang'e 5 will be launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China 's Hainan province by the end of 2020 .