- contig

The contig map basing on sequence - tagged sites ( STS ) is the most popular , the highest resolution physical map .
We choose subsequent k-mer repeatedly to extend contig .
7,714 contigs were obtained by assembling 13,007 expressed sequence tags ( ESTs ) of Chinese cabbage and SSRs were screened from the contigs .
We annotated the common carp contigs with Gene Ontology terms and KEGG pathways . Compared with zebrafish gene annotations , we found that a set of biological processes and pathways were enriched in common carp .
Construction of a YAC Contig Encompassing G200 Locus via Chromosome Walking
879 contigs were obtained from the 1810 effective ESTs of mutant leaf of Lycoris aurea , among which 574 contigs were singlets .
These contigs and singletons can be classified into eight groups according to the homology of their coding products to known LEA proteins .
There were 202 Uni-ESTs , which including 134 contigs and 68 singletons based on EST cluster result .
So choosing the subsequent k-mer is an important process . If and only if the right subsequent k-mer is chosen can we get the contig with high quality .
To clone novel myelin protein related genes , two human ESTs , which shared significant similarity with the human myelin protein zero gene , were found by the comparison of homologue between the cDNA coding region sequences of MPZ gene and the EST database of NCBI .
Preliminary study on the geographical niche and overlap group of mosquitoes
Although each contig can not match reference genome well , yet overall coverage is high .
The numbers of contigs and singletons in each of the eight groups are much different .
The map consisted of 4 contigs with a total length of 35.78 Mb and covered 99 % of the whole chromosome size , including the entire centromere region .
The gamasid mites within the same group proved to have a similar host-preference , tending to parasitize the same hosts , small mammals , especially the dominant ones .
We reported the sequence structures of the first complete rice chromosome centromere through identifying and sequencing a large BAC clone-based contig , which covered the rice chromosome 4 centromere .
BAC clones corresponding to telomeres , as well as to the centromere position and the gap sizes between contigs , were determined by BAC-pachytene chromosome fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) .
The new method to adopt overlapping clusters for cluster size optimization is proposed secondly . The area with high node density is divided into clusters with a small number of nodes , so that the maximum throughput of each node can be increased .
The EHMO group decomposition calculation program .