
  • 网络REES;Reese;Riis;Riss;Al Ries
  1. 品牌识别最初是建立在美国著名营销大师里斯和特劳特的市场定位论基础之上研究出的针对市场营销的重要分支理论。

    Brand identity is founded on the basis of Market Positioning theory set by famous America business master Al Ries , Jack Trout , and acts as an important branch theory aiming at Marketing .

  2. 里斯将他的照片发表于,他的著作《另类生存》

    Riis publishes his pictures in a book called " How the Other Half Lives . "

  3. 坦白讲,里斯先生,我没想到你会那样。

    Really , Mr Riss , I expected better of you .

  4. 里斯,32岁,曾经23次入选英格兰队。

    Rees , 32 , has been capped for England 23 times .

  5. “他回实验室去了,”艾里斯不耐烦地大声说。

    ' He went back to the lab ' , Iris exclaimed impatiently

  6. 里斯给他一个苹果。

    Rhys offered him an apple

  7. 作为本届奥运会的唯一候选城市,澳大利亚昆士兰州首府布里斯班毫无悬念地获得举办权。这将是继2000年悉尼奥运会后,澳大利亚时隔32年再度举行夏季奥运会。经国际奥委会批准,澳大利亚布里斯班将举办2032年夏季奥运会和残奥会。

    Brisbane will host the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games after being approved by the International Olympic Committee .

  8. 里斯的X染色体是一个基因有缺陷(这个X染色体是从母亲那里继承的)。

    Rhys had acquired a defective gene on the X-chromosome-inherited from his mother .

  9. 里斯本人也因此书获得当年英国皇家文学会奖和W。

    Wide Sargasso Sea not only earns Rhys a place in the literary canon but also brings her the prestigious W.

  10. 今年年方27岁的科里•里斯于2009年与人共同创办了Ness计算公司。

    Corey Reese , 27 , co-founded ness computing in 2009 .

  11. 英国皇家天文学家、宇宙学家里斯勋爵(LordRees)第一次见到霍金是在1964年,那时两人都是剑桥大学的研究生。

    Lord Rees , astronomer royal and fellow cosmologist , first met Prof Hawking in 1964 when both were graduate students at Cambridge university .

  12. 笔者最早认识里斯•拜尔是在第一轮互联网泡沫时的90年代末,当时她是瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)炙手可热的科技分析师。

    I knew Lise buyer when she was a hotshot technology analyst at Credit Suisse ( CS ) in the late 1990s , during the first Internet bubble .

  13. 然而,社交游戏TastemakerX的联合创始人马克•鲁辛及桑德罗•普格里斯希望使发掘下一个热门艺人看起来更像是纽约证券交易所(theNewYorkStockExchange)的投资活动。

    But Marc Ruxin and Sandro Pugliese , co-founders of the social game tastemakerx , want to make finding the next hit artist look more like the New York Stock Exchange .

  14. 音乐天后碧昂斯蘒里斯(BeyonceKnowles)甚至在上周发布了自己的专属纹身贴纸系列。

    Music diva Beyonce Knowles even released her own flash tattoo collection last week .

  15. (普格里斯住在布鲁克林的DUMBO街区附近)

    ( Pugliese lives in the Dumbo neighborhood of Brooklyn . )

  16. 里斯表示,Ness最终可能会成为一个个性化的搜索引擎,但是现在这个应用主要还是针对餐厅和咖啡厅。

    Reese says that ness could eventually become a personalized search engine , but for now the venture is focusing on restaurants and cafes .

  17. 同时担任公司首席技术官(CTO)的普格里斯在纽约处理业务,而公司首席执行官鲁辛则在旧金山执掌公司。

    Pugliese , who is also CTO , handles business in New York while CEO Ruxin heads the company from San Francisco .

  18. 这个团体以英国皇家天文学家里斯勋爵(LordRees)和天体物理学哲学博士、皇后乐队(Queen)吉他手布赖恩•梅(BrianMay)为首。该团体表示,今后十年,有必要把每年发现的天体数增加一百倍。

    Led by Lord Rees , Britain 's royal astronomer , and Brian May , a PhD in astrophysics as well as guitarist with the rock band Queen , the group said a hundredfold increase in the number of objects detected each year was necessary over the next decade .

  19. Antigo1°deMaio餐厅虽然在就餐环境上差了一些,但是供应各种传统的葡萄牙安慰食物,吸引着一代又一代挑剔的里斯本人走进它那仅有口袋般大小,由瓷砖墙面、方格桌布和硬木椅构成的屋子里。

    Short on physical comfort but brimming with traditional Portuguese comfort food , Antigo 1 ° de Maio has drawn generations of discerning Lisbonfolk to its pocket-size room of tiled walls , checkered tablecloths and stiff wooden chairs .

  20. 我希望,我们(这个月)能够展示,在一座城市中,在不需要市政wi-fi的前提下,无处不在的wi-fi是什么样的,Fon美国分公司首席执行官乔安娜•里斯(JoannaRees)表示。

    My hope is that [ this month ] we will be able to show what ubiquitous wi-fi looks like in a city , without the need for muni wi-fi , says Joanna Rees , US chief executive of Fon .

  21. 费迪南德半场被里斯。布朗换下,英格兰U-19后卫和他哥哥组成了曼联的中卫组合。

    Ferdinand was replaced by Reece Brown at half-time , and the England under-19s defender joined his elder brother Wes in the heart of the United backline .

  22. 里斯戴维斯充分提到了Sakka由于错误翻译了这个从句已经失去了它的要点。

    Rhys Davids has shown how the Chinese translation of the verse said to have been uttered by Sakka has lost its point due to the mistranslation of the clauses .

  23. 法国圣洛朗德拉-卡布勒里斯——在今年的环法自行车赛中,极具亲和力的冲刺冠军马塞尔·基特尔(MarcelKittel)在三个赛段中胜出,因此,他在周一的比赛休息日吸引了大量记者也不足为奇。

    ST. LAURENT DE LA CABRERISSE , France - It was predictable that Marcel Kittel , the amiable sprinter who has won three stages in this year 's Tour de France , attracted a large crowd of reporters on the race 's rest day Monday .

  24. 里斯欠我们一笔钱,他只是还给我们。

    Reese owed us a sum , he paid it back .

  25. 我知道。丹妮边看着韦赛里斯边回答。

    I know you did , Dany replied , watching Viserys .

  26. 思拉舍说:里斯具有正常的免疫系统。

    Thrasher said : Rhys has a normal immune system .

  27. 包里斯炉能定量描述炉身生产情况,是模拟高炉生产的理想设备。

    Bolis furnace is an ideal apparatus for simulation of BF operation .

  28. 里斯先生说:他们不喜欢来自外界的批评。

    They do not like criticism from outside , says Mr rissi .

  29. 瑞秋,请帮我接里斯图。

    Rachel , get ristuccia on the phone for me , please .

  30. 王上,阿基里斯不在军队中。

    My king , Achilles is not with the army .