
  • 网络satoyama;Mt. Calvary
里山 [lǐ shān]
  • [inside the remote mountains] 深山里面

  1. 这项发表在5月17日的《地球物理研究快报》(GeophysicalResearchLetters)的研究认为,鲁文佐里山上的一些冰川正在以每年10米的速度退缩。

    The study , published yesterday ( 17 May ) in Geophysical Research Letters , says some glaciers in the Rwenzori Mountains are receding by ten metres a year .

  2. 王冕与九里山

    Wang Mian and Jiuli Hill King Lear On WANG Hong

  3. 这项研究认为如果当前的趋势继续下去,鲁文佐里山的冰川将会在20年内完全消失。

    The study suggests that if current trends continue , the glaciers will disappear completely within two decades .

  4. 塑造特色空间提升空间地位&徐州九里山片区概念规划

    Molding Characteristics of Space and Promoting the Position of Space & Conceptual Planning for Jiuli District of Xuzhou

  5. 2007年6月18日至25日台湾之旅。包括亚里山、嘉义、澎湖、高雄。

    My trip to Taiwan between 18-25 June 2007 . Locations : Alishan , Chiayi , Penghu & Kaohsiung .

  6. 像片里山上的隧道正是我们乘坐巴士要经过的地方。

    In this picture , the tunnel on the mountain was the right one which we passed through by bus .

  7. 徐州九里山和新沂窑湾的鹭鸟种群自建群以来,种群规模逐年扩大。

    Since the colonization of the heron reproductive population at Jiuli Hill in Xuzhou City and Yaowan in Xinyi City , the group size had expanded year by year .

  8. 红旗岭锡多金属矿床位于东坡矿田北东角,是千里山花岗岩岩体北侧的一个重要的矿床。

    The Hongqiling Sn-polymetallic deposit is located at the northeastern corner of the Dongpo minefield and is an important deposit on the northern side of the Qianlishan granite mass .

  9. 而我在水里山上的住处,在恢复供电后,所有电器用品仍然可用。

    In my own house up on the hills of shuili , after the power supply was restored , I found that all the electrical appliances were still working .

  10. 因此本文认为,黄沙坪花岗岩体与千里山、骑田岭等岩体属于同一类型,岩石成因可能与印支造山运动后的岩石圈伸展有关,形成于地壳物质的部分熔融;

    They are the same type granitoid . Their lithogenesis was related to the lithospheric extension after the Indosinian Orogenesis , and formed from partial melting of the crust material .

  11. 鲁文佐里山也被称作“月亮山”,公元2世纪的一位希腊商人描述了当地人使用这个名字形容鲁文佐里山的白色山峰。

    The mountains are also known as the Mountains of the Moon & a name that a second-century Greek merchant reported local people had used to describe the white peaks .

  12. 一组乌干达和英国科学家说,由于全球变暖,一座非洲著名山脉鲁文佐里山上的冰川正在消失。这组科学家对鲁文佐里山的冰原进行了10年来的首次调查。

    Glaciers in a fabled African mountain range are disappearing because of climate change , say Ugandan and UK scientists who conducted the first survey of the ice fields for ten years .

  13. 根据焦煤集团九里山矿洗末煤脱水工艺状况,确定先进的脱水技术设备与工艺,实现了最佳脱水工艺系统,从而取得了极大的社会效益及经济效益。

    With regard to technical condition of the dehydration of cleaned powder coal in Mount Jiuli Coalmine , this paper introduces an advanced system of dehydration equipments and technologies , which achieves not only optimized effect but also good social and economic results .

  14. 日本绝非唯一爆发会计操纵丑闻的国家,尽管在过去20年里,山一证券(YamaichiSecurities)、嘉娜宝(Kanebo)、日兴证券(NikkoCordial)、活力门(Livedoor)以及其他公司接连爆发了丑闻。

    Japan is not unique in any of this , despite a succession of scandals over the past two decades at Yamaichi Securities , Kanebo Nikko Cordial , Livedoor and others .

  15. 该镇坐落在几座高山环绕的峡谷里,山上森林密布。

    The town lay in a narrow valley between high , forested mountains .

  16. 我们可以看到远处的背景里有山。

    We could see mountains in the background .

  17. 另外,你不是唯一儿时记忆里有山的人。

    Besides , you 're not the only one with childhood memories of the mountains .

  18. 雪这么大,天气这么冷,地里、山上都盖满了雪。

    The snow is so heavy , so cold weather , the earth , the mountains are covered with snow .

  19. 人们到处建神庙,特别是在广场地区、在阿文蒂尼山、卡皮托利尼山和奎里纳尔山等处。

    Temples were built everywhere , but especially in the forum and on the Aventine , Capitoline and Quirinal hills .

  20. 怀俄明州的幽静的湖泊捕获了完全透明的圆环塔肖像,这是在风河山脉里圆形山所围绕的盆地。

    Wyoming 's Lonesome Lake captures a crystal clear likeness of Cirque of the Towers , a circular mountain-ringed basin in the Wind River Range .

  21. 在历史中不同的文化和空间有关于他们的神和老师的地方传说-例如古希腊神话里奥林匹斯山。

    Different cultures and spaces in history have legends about the place of their gods and teachers - such as Mount Olympus in ancient Greek mythology .

  22. 这种画法使他们能够在一幅画上描绘几千里的山和大河的景象,整个宇宙都在他们的控制之下。

    This technique enables them to portray thousands of miles of mountain and river scenery in one painting , and brings the whole universe within their grasp .

  23. 在那些故事航程里踏山渡水,在她缠绵的肉体上停靠休憩,甜美节奏过后,国王涌起入梦前醉意的松弛。

    With his imagination traveling the fascinating places in her stories and his body resting on her tantalizing body , the sleepy king rests comfortably after a night of sweet enjoyment .

  24. 济阳坳陷冶里&亮甲山组次生白云岩储集空间成因分析

    Analysis on origin of the secondary dolomite reservoir space of Yeli - Liangjiashan formation in Jiyang Depression

  25. 下古生界顶部不整合面附近及冶里-亮甲山组白云岩是2套重要的储集层段。

    The top unconformity of lower Paleozoic and dolomite rock of Yeli-Liangjiashan group are two very important reservoir strata .

  26. 渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷冶里&亮甲山组层状储层成因及其影响因素

    The genesis and influential factors of layered reservoir of Yeli-Liangjiashan formation in the Jiyang depression of the Bohai Bay Basin

  27. 你所说的凶手必须是个手脚利索的人,在这段时间里从磨坊山赶到哈姆斯特德。

    Must be a fast worker , your murderer , to get from mill Hill to Hampstead Heath in that time .

  28. 是海滨流沙突然进入地下,是一条阴沟里的圣米歇尔山的沙滩。

    It is the quicksands of the seashore suddenly encountered under the surface of the earth ; it is the beach of Mont Saint-Michel in a sewer .

  29. 在岩心观察的基础上,利用薄片、扫描电镜、荧光分析等技术手段,对济阳坳陷下奥陶统冶里&亮甲山组次生白云岩储集空间成因进行了深入研究。

    Thorough study of the secondary dolomite reservoir space was made in Yeli - Liangjiashan formation of lower Ordovician system in Jiyang Depression using the technologies of thin section , SEM and fluorescence analysis based on the core observation .

  30. 懂得感谢,如同你懂得了深秋里的枫林从山。

    Know how to thank , as you know the Fenglin late autumn in the mountains .