
  • 网络Satomi
  1. 学校里见见到你们真开心

    See you in school . Good to see you guys .

  2. 那么我们还在房子里见吧。

    We 'll meet you back at the house , then .

  3. 我希望下星期五在我的办公室里见你。

    I hope to see you in my office next Friday .

  4. 我可以到村子里见你吗?-

    May I see you back to the village ? -

  5. 那你可以常来酒吧里见我。

    You can always come see me at the bar .

  6. 到村子里见什么吃什么。

    And entered villages to eat whatever it could catch .

  7. 好的,我将在地狱里见你。

    Yeah , and I 'll see you in hell .

  8. 我就是金·莫里亚蒂你好金吗医院里见的那个金吗

    Jim Moriarty . Hi . Jim ? Jim from the hospital ?

  9. 好孩子,教堂里见。

    Good boy . I 'll see you in church .

  10. 我可以到村子里见吗?

    May I see you back to the village ?

  11. 她找到了12岁的里见御手洗的尸体。

    She found the body of 12-year-old Satomi Mitarai .

  12. 当然,朋友.-新的一年里见.

    Sure , buddy . - We 'll see you in the new year .

  13. 他和像那年我们初次在得里见他时一样。

    Just like he was that day we first saw him back in derry .

  14. 我们家里见了

    I 'll see you back at home .

  15. 我们在纪念品展览室里见,那儿经常不上锁的。

    We 'll meet you in the trophy room ; that 's always unlocked .

  16. 咱们厕所里见。

    I 'll see you at the toilets .

  17. 我们在约定的日子里见了面。

    We met on the appointed day .

  18. 我要再留一会,那么我们家里见?

    I have to make a stop , so I 'll meet you at home ?

  19. 我一小时就好我们家里见

    I 'll be done in an hour . I 'll see you at home .

  20. 车里见。

    Meet you in the car .

  21. 方法对雪里见开展资源调查,采集样本进行基源鉴定和理化实验鉴定。

    Methods Resource investigation was carried out , samples were collected to microscopic identification and physicochemical identification .

  22. 前任经理私下里见了他并给了他三个编了号的信封。

    The manager who was stepping down met with him privately and handed him three numbered envelopes .

  23. 好的,脱掉你们的衣服,在游泳池里见。

    Okay , you guys , grab your suits , and I 'll meet you down at the pool .

  24. 铜顶牧场里见不到电话机父亲也不让在格雷西房里装上一部

    Cellphone reception was nowhere to be found at coppertop ranch and father refused to install a telephone in Gracie 's room .

  25. 我们在90年代时的一次比赛里见了面,我能明显看出来他对体育运动的热爱。

    We met at a game in the '90s , and I could see straight away that he was a genuine sports fan .

  26. 她画的《斜阳萧寺图》,在很多老辈的诗集里见得到题咏。

    The inscription on her painting , the'setting sun Buddhist temple , 'can be found in many collections owned by the older generation .

  27. 作为正为这项国际合作起草方案的中国工作组的一员,姜克隽说这项合作能否成功将有可能在接下来的几个月里见分晓。

    Jiang , a member of China 's working group preparing a draft for this international partnership , says an agreement is likely to be finalised over the next few months .

  28. 有时,我走进家里见她躺在地上,头发蓬乱,表情疯狂而绝望。但一小时后,她就会兴高采烈地享受一顿丰盛的晚餐。

    Sometimes I came home to find her lying on the floor , with her hair undone , looking wild and desperate , but an hour later she was cheerfully eating a good supper .

  29. 通过对《水浒传》与《南总里见八犬传》的文本分析,可以窥见美刺说与劝惩说两种文学创作概念在历史文化上的差异。

    The present paper aims to explore the differences between the two conceptions in literary writing , based on an analysis of the texts of Water Margin and The Legends of Eight Knights in Nansousatomi .

  30. 及至他出来,不能和他们说话。他们就知道他在殿里见了异象。因为他直向他们打手式,竟成了哑吧。

    And when he came out he was not able to say anything , and they saw that he had seen a vision in the temple ; and he was making signs to them without words .