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cǎi mǎi
  • purchase;buy;shop
采买 [cǎi mǎi]
  • [purchase] 采选购买;也指从事该专业的人

  • 我们的采买是个精干的小伙子

采买[cǎi mǎi]
  1. 她经常找不到自己的钥匙,还会忘记采买应该采买的食杂品。

    She loses her keys all the time , forgets to buy things at the grocery store .

  2. 结买、结籴是市易务官吏或由市易务招募商人,承办政府上供采买和购置沿边军粮的制度。

    Undertaking purchasing and purchasing grain is the system of trade department to buy commodity for upper government and grain for the military in the border areas .

  3. 我们通常到邻近的商店采买。

    We patronize our neighbourhood stores .

  4. 不过是谁决定这一天就是采买季开始的那天呢?

    But who decided2 that this day was the day to kick it all off ?

  5. 这个初步的接触,可以协助他们决定该到哪儿去采买。

    This initial contact can help them decide where to shop .

  6. 是啊,我还有最后关头的采买要办呢。

    I know . I still need to do my last minute shopping .

  7. 把这些采买的东西加以记在我的帐上。船上装卸费用,须由买方负责并记帐。

    Charge the purchases to my account . Stevedore buyer ' responsibility and account .

  8. 采买完后,他们邀请我前往他们的住处坐坐。

    After we had finished shopping together , they invited me to their lodging .

  9. 我们这种采买旅行很少会见到女眷啊卡文迪许夫人

    We don 't usually get wives on these buying trips , Mrs. Cavendish .

  10. 史密斯太太又开始了她每天的家务:采买、烧饭、涮洗。

    Mrs Smith came on her daily round of shopping , cooking and washing .

  11. 论明成化时期的宫廷采买

    An Investigation into the Royal Purchases during Chenghua Period of Ming Dynasty The Story In Palace

  12. 而且她还接掌了采买大权。

    Also in charge of purchasing .

  13. 我要去采买一件新衣服,但没有找到我喜欢的。

    I was shopping for a new dress , but I couldn 't find anything I liked .

  14. 中国可能会很快结束棉花战略储备的采买,让市场进一步受挫。

    China is likely to end purchases for its strategic cotton reserve soon , further depressing the market .

  15. 博物馆的商店内含日常采买区,客人们可以那儿向真正的肉贩和烘焙坊购买东西。

    The museum shop includes a grocery section , where customers can purchase goods from a genuine butchery and bakery .

  16. 在国际采买、公司、客户、渠道、终端等各层面极尽所能地反映进口葡萄酒的最佳性价(品质与价格)。

    King Oak is doing its best , and will do its best to import the best quality wine with nice price .

  17. 我们采取一条龙的制造流线,由进料、成型、电镀、涂装、包装、出口都在本厂处理,有效控管每一制程的品质,也提供顾客最方便的采买服务。

    We have All-Under-One-Roof production , starting from incoming wire , screw forming , plating , coating , packing and shipping , which provide better quality control at each production stage .

  18. 由于我们在14个主要海外市场开展业务,并且从更多地区采买货物,因此必须帮助我们的员工培养良好的跨文化认知能力,她表示。

    Now that we 're operating in 14 significant overseas markets , and sourcing from many more , we need to help our people develop good cross-cultural understanding , she says .

  19. 我们专营优质进口食材采购&分销家庭烹调美食材料,线上采买配送到府,让您可以有更多的时间在厨房里发挥创意!

    We specialize in sourcing distributing the best quality ingredients available for the home gourmet , ordered online delivered to your home , so you can spend more time creating in the kitchen !

  20. 你到市场采买,满载着回家,但不知从何时何地一阵无家之风吹到我身上。

    You come and buy in the market and go back to your homes laden with goods , but the spell of the homeless winds has touched me I know not when and where .

  21. 定义了采买工作的工作范围、行为、责任和方法,以保证由承包商采买和交付的设备、材料和提供的服务能够控制在预算范围内,全面执行交货计划。

    Defined the range , conduct , responsibility and method of work to ensure the purchase and delivery of facility and material and service by contractor under control , complete complement of delivery plan .

  22. 1910年,当鼠疫在中国东北部山区蔓延时,几个城镇曾封堵了外人进入城镇的入口,只派可靠男子代表全城去市场采买必要物资后迅速返回。

    In 1910 , as plague was spreading across the mountainous region of northeast China , several towns barred entry to outsiders . Reliable men were deputised to travel to market and return swiftly carrying essential supplies .