
  • 网络acid-base titration curve
  1. 利用变温IR光谱、变温X&射线粉末衍射图和酸碱滴定曲线,对配合物的分解温度以及在水溶液中稳定存在的pH值范围进行了初步探讨。

    We use variable-thermal IR spectrum , variable-thermal powder X-ray diffractogram and acid-base titration curve to approach the decomposition temperature of the coordination compounds and their pH range of stability in water solution .

  2. 该程序不仅可方便、精确地计算出各种酸碱溶液以及各种酸碱溶液的混合溶液的pH值,而且在屏幕上迅速地显示酸碱滴定曲线,其中包括各种用实验方法无法滴定的溶液的滴定曲线。

    This program can not only calculate the pH value of any solution rapidly , but also draws the acid-base titration curve very conveniently .

  3. 酸碱滴定曲线方程的共性与CAT软件

    Research on the Ubiquity of Acid Base Titration Curve Equation and the Development of its CAT Program

  4. 酸碱滴定曲线方程通式应用范围及pH值的近似计算

    On the range of application of the general equation of acid-base titration curves and the approximative calculation for pH value

  5. 酸碱滴定曲线的计算机显示

    Calculating pH and Drawing Acid - base Titration Curve by Computer

  6. 酸碱滴定曲线新计算方法

    A New Way of Calculating the Acid-base Titration Cure

  7. 用酸碱滴定曲线拟合参数表征土壤对酸缓冲能力的新方法

    New Method for Evaluating Buffering Capacity and Equilibrium pH of Paddy Soil with Simulation Parameter

  8. 非计算法绘制酸碱滴定曲线

    Predicting Acid-based Titration Curve without Calculation

  9. 根据酸碱滴定曲线,进行统计分析和数学拟合,提出以酸碱滴定曲线拟合方程的斜率表征土壤酸缓冲能力的新方法。

    The parameters for estimating acidic sensitivity of soils were statistically gained by using the titration curve of acid and alkali .

  10. 介绍了酸碱滴定曲线通用计算公式、络合滴定通用计算公式、氧化还原滴定通用计算公式、混合体系缓冲容量的通用算法以及这些公式在图形处理中的应用。

    General formulas of acid base titration curve , complexometric titration and general formulas of buffer solution of mixed acides index are introduced .

  11. 通过对一元强碱滴定同浓度一元强酸及弱酸滴定曲线的绘制步骤,介绍其在绘制酸碱滴定曲线中的应用;

    The application of Excel software in plotting titration curve was introduced through plotting the titration curve of strong base to strong acid and weak acid of the same concentration ;

  12. 一种简便的极弱酸碱电位酸碱滴定曲线拟合方法

    A facile method of curve fitting of potentiometric acid-base titration data of very weak acids and bases