
jiāo yóu
  • go for an outing;excursion;picnic;outing
郊游 [jiāo yóu]
  • [picnic;outing] 到效区或人少的地方游玩

郊游[jiāo yóu]
  1. 春秋佳日,每作郊游。

    We often go for an outing in the country on fine days in spring and autumn .

  2. 我想知道明天我们是否去郊游。

    I wonder whether we will go for an outing tomorrow .

  3. 这次郊游少不了你。

    We can 't go without you for this outing .

  4. 据我所知,下周将进行一次郊游。

    According to what I have learnt , we are going to have an outing next week .

  5. 我们可能下星期天郊游,但那要看情况而定。

    We may go out next sunday , but that depends .

  6. 我们郊游的日期已定,风雨无阻。

    We 've fixed the date for the outing and we 'll go regardless of wind or rain .

  7. 我们正想去郊游,天公不作美,不料下起雨来了。

    We were thinking of an outing , but the the gods were against us and it began to rain .

  8. 在郊游时,有人给了她一块糖果。

    On the outing , she was offered a candy bar .

  9. 如果你不想把愉快的郊游变成一场灾难,记住几项基本守则很重要。

    It 's important to remember several basic rules if you don 't want to turn a pleasant outing into a disaster .

  10. 人们会组织郊游,在粉白相间的花朵下边吃边喝。

    Outings are organised to eat and drink while sitting beneath the white and pink flowers .

  11. 莎拉毫不气馁,又问:“那么,爸爸,谁觉得更好玩呢?”n.远足,郊游,短途旅行;散步;

    Undaunted , Sare said , " Okay , Daddy , who had more fun ? "

  12. 出生在马来西亚的台湾导演蔡明亮执导的《郊游》(StrayDogs)。蔡明亮、杜琪峰和贾樟柯均入围了金马奖最佳导演提名。

    and the drama ' Stray Dogs ' from Malaysian-born Taiwan-based director Tsai Ming-liang , who , along with Messrs. To and Jia , is nominated for best director .

  13. 《郊游》(StrayDogs)是蔡明亮对亚洲愁苦主义忧郁而严肃的尝试,片中一个长达11分钟的场景是一个无家可归的男人狼吞虎咽地吞吃着一个画有人脸的高丽菜,把影片推向无法回头的境地。

    The point of no return in " Stray Dogs , " Tsai Ming-liang 's glum , humorless exercise in Asian miserablism , is an 11-minute scene of a homeless man smothering and devouring a cabbage with a face painted on it .

  14. 2016年11月,当时才10岁的JudeSparks和家人在新墨西哥州的家附近郊游时,被一块他认为是牛骨头的东西给绊倒了。

    In November 2016 , Jude Sparks , now 10 , was on an outing with his family near their New Mexico home , when he tripped over what he thought was a cow bone .

  15. DAVESCHOEPKE,校长:长期以来,孩子们一直知道,如果他们的名字出现在不及格名单上,他们将没有机会参加舞会或郊游或者类似的活动。

    DAVE SCHOEPKE , PRINCIPAL : What the kids have known for quite a long time is that if they have their names on a failing list , at a natural grading period , they do not have An opportunity to go to a dance or field trip or something like that .

  16. 这是一个不适于郊游的季节。

    It was a bad season in which to have outings .

  17. 下周五我们要进行我们的首次郊游。

    Next friday we 're going on our first field trip .

  18. 天如果下雨,郊游就取消。

    If it rains , then there will be no picnic .

  19. 我们大概可以去郊游吃野餐了。

    Maybe we can go out and have a picnic together .

  20. 开发郊游列车新品优化运营方案

    Development of New Tour Train Product and Optimization of Operation Solution

  21. 我在准备去郊游的东西。

    I am packing my things for my picnic with mada .

  22. 我们郊游怎么会也是这个时间?

    How could our field trip be at the same time ?

  23. 你们不是去郊游了吗?

    Aren 't you supposed to be on your field trip ?

  24. 虽然天气冷,我们还是去郊游吃野餐。

    We go on a picnic although the weather is cold .

  25. 学生们最喜欢的事情之一是郊游。

    One of our favourite things was going on school trips .

  26. 的话,我们明天就去郊游。

    Weather permitting , we 'll go for an outing tomorrow .

  27. 周末,私人车可以载着家人出门兴奋地郊游。

    At weekends , private cars take families on joyful outings .

  28. 我这周末要与朋友去郊游。

    I 'll make an outing with some friends this weekend .

  29. 每周做一次积极的郊游。

    Make one social outing this week an active one .

  30. 明天我们要去野外郊游吗?

    Are we going to have a field trip tomorrow ?