
  • 网络road base course
  1. 煤矸石道路基层混合料试验与应用

    Experiment and Application for the Gangue Road Base Course Mixture

  2. 煤矸石用做道路基层材料的应用分析

    Study and Discussion of Coal Gangue Applied in Road Base Materials

  3. 煤矸石在道路基层材料中的应用

    Discussion on Utility of Coal Gangue in Materials of Highway Bases

  4. 水泥稳定旧沥青路面材料在道路基层中的应用

    Application of Old Bitumen Pavement Material Stabilized by Concrete in Base-course

  5. 道路基层冷再生施工工艺及其应用

    The Construction Technology and Its Application of Road Base Cold Regeneration

  6. 浅谈固化剂在道路基层的应用

    The application of solidification agents in the base of road

  7. 用废石膏改性三渣混合料筑道路基层

    To Build Road Base by Waste Plaster Modified Three-Slag Composite

  8. 石灰增钙粉煤灰、增钙渣作高等级道路基层的研究

    Lime Flyash or Slag with High Calcium for High Class Road Base

  9. 石灰炉渣在道路基层施工中的应用

    How to Use Lime and Slag in Construction of Roadbed

  10. 钢渣粉煤灰在道路基层中的应用

    Application of Steel Slag Pulverized Fuel Ash in Road Base

  11. 宝钢水渣用作道路基层混合料的试验研究

    Test on Quench Slag from Bao Steel Co. for Road Base Mixture

  12. 道路基层中优质原材料和混合料级配问题

    The problems of quality raw materials and mixture gradation in roadbed construction

  13. 道路基层新结构类型初探

    Initial Discussion on the New Structures of Road Base

  14. 道路基层贫混凝土抗压抗折强度特性的研究

    Study of Concrete Resist compression Strength in Road Base

  15. 粉煤灰铺筑道路基层的研究

    Research of constructing highway subbase with coal flying ash

  16. 道路基层与土路基质量通病的防治

    Prevention of Quality Fault of Roadbed and Soil Roadbed

  17. 赤泥做道路基层材料的试验研究

    Experiment Research on Road Base Material of Red Mud

  18. 煤渣石灰类道路基层施工暂行技术规定

    Temporary technical rule for construction of road base of coal slag-lime stabilized materials

  19. 砂砾石作为道路基层的稳定性分析

    The Stability Analysis on Sandy Gravel as Road Base

  20. 赤泥道路基层材料配制与成型工艺研究

    Study on Preparation and forming technology of road base material of red mud

  21. 水泥稳定碎石道路基层的试验研究

    Tests on Cement - stabilized Crushed Stone Base

  22. 利用海水冲排粉煤灰修筑道路基层试验研究

    Test for the Construction of Trial Road Section with Fly Ash Discharged by Seawater

  23. 电石渣稳定土做道路基层研究

    Study of the Stabilized Soil of Acetylene Sludge as Base Course in Highway Project

  24. 固化土在城市道路基层中的应用研究

    Application of Solidified Soil in Urban Road Base

  25. 再生集料在道路基层中的应用

    Application of waste concrete for base of road

  26. 二灰稳定磁化轮道路基层在迁安市的推广应用

    Popularization and application of lime-fly ash stabilizing magnetization wheel road base on Qian'an city

  27. 道路基层贫混凝土抗冻性能的研究

    Frost resisitance of roadbase lean concrete

  28. 碾压灰渣混凝土用于市政道路基层的试验研究与工程应用

    Experimental Study and Project Application of Roller Compacted Fly Ash Concrete Used in Municipal Highway Substrate

  29. 道路基层碾压贫混凝土最大干密度确定方法的研究

    Study the Method to Measure the Largest Dry Density of RCC Lean Concrete Used in Road Base

  30. 低活性粉煤灰需要在碱性外掺剂的激发条件下才可用作道路基层材料。

    Fly ash with poor activity can be used in road base courses only blended with alkaline admixture .