
  1. 别不高兴,我只是在逗你玩。

    Don 't get upset ─ I was only teasing .

  2. B:不需要,我逗你玩的,我这就给你复印一份。

    B : No. I was just kidding . I 'll get you a copy right away . 7 . Look for an expert

  3. 马克:哈,我只是逗你玩呢!

    Mark : Hey , I 'm just playing with you !

  4. 我在逗你玩呢。

    Come on , I 'm just having some fun with you .

  5. 刚才是逗你玩的。

    Just now , we were only joking with you .

  6. 我只是逗你玩,伙计,我不想赢。

    I 'm just kidding you , man . I don 't wanna win .

  7. 别这么严肃,我逗你玩呢

    Lighten up . I was just teasing .

  8. 你认为我神经质吗不,不,不。好了,我是逗你玩

    You think I 'm neurotic ? No , no , no. Come on , I 'm kidding .

  9. B:不需要,我逗你玩的,我这就给你复印一份。

    B : No. I was just kidding . I 'll get you a copy right away . 2 . Look for an expert

  10. 为了回到同一侧逗你玩呢还有一个中子走进家酒吧问道酒多少钱一杯

    To get to the same side bazinga ! All right , a neutron walks into a bar and asks , " How much for a drink ? "

  11. 制片人向《今夜娱乐》透露说,他们在最后一刻上演了“逗你玩!”,其实在剧集结尾还有一幕彩蛋。

    The showrunners dished to ET that they pulled one last " Bazinga ! " and there 's actually a bonus scene at the very end of the episode .