
  • 网络linkage;Linkage relationship;Interlocking Relationships
  1. 方法采用LODSCORE分析方法对一个中国人群哮喘与5号染色体上的几个微卫星标记的连锁关系进行了研究。

    Methods The linkage between microsatellite markers in 5q and asthma and allergy was tested by lod score analysis .

  2. 目的探讨IgE高亲和力受体β链基因(FcεRIβ)的多态性与中国人哮喘易感性的连锁关系。

    Objective To investigate the linkage between the polymorphisms of Fc ε RI β gene and susceptibility of asthma in a Chinese population .

  3. 这些QTL间不存在连锁关系。

    The linkage relationships were not detected between any QTLs .

  4. SA基因座与中国汉族人原发性高血压的连锁关系

    A study on the linkage of SA gene locus to essential hypertension in Han Chinese

  5. 莫迦小麦的T型恢复基因的染色体定位及其与K型主效不育基因的连锁关系研究

    Study on the Chromosomal Location of the T-Type Restorer Gene and Linkage Analysis between It and the K-Type Male Sterile Gene in T.Macha

  6. ACE基因是否与原发性高血压的其它致病基因存在紧密连锁关系也需要进一步研究。

    Additional research is needed to better understand the relationship between ACE gene and risky factors of hypertension .

  7. 22号染色体4个STR基因座的遗传多态性及连锁关系

    Genetic polymorphisms and genetic linkage of four STR loci on chromosome 22 in Chinese population

  8. 从相关分析和QTL的连锁关系来看,稻米主要食味品质性状之间关系密切。

    According to anlysis of correlation and link of QTLs , main eating quality traits existed relationship significantly .

  9. 而在已经公布的红原鸡基因组序列中,这2个标记的PCR产物序列染色体尚未定位。通过连锁关系分析,这2段序列也分别定位于红原鸡1号和9号染色体上。

    Because these 2 markers were linked with other markers which chromosomes are known , the chromosome localization of these 2 sequences of Red Jungle Fowl were carried out .

  10. 结果表明,本病的易感基因与HLA-DQ基因存在连锁关系。

    The results of identical HLA haplotype and Lods analysis showed that there was a linkage between the susceptible gene of the disease and HLA DQ haplotype .

  11. 目的:研究先天性髋关节脱位与X,22,7号染色体之间有无连锁关系,也为进一步寻找疾病易感基因的全基因组扫描进行初步尝试。

    Objective : To investigate genetic linkage between the phenotype of congenital dislocation of the hip ( CDH ) and genes located in chromosome 22,7 , X , and attempt initially process of the genome-wide scan for searching disease-susceptibility loci .

  12. 试验证明,鹌鹑的栗羽、黄羽和白羽是Z染色体上两个有连锁关系的基因座B/b和Y/y相互作用的结果。

    It was proved that the phenotypic expressions of the maroon feather , the yellow feather and the white feather result from the interaction between B / b and Y / y loci in the Z-chromosome .

  13. 上述结果表明利用PCR-SSCP技术可以检测到牙鲆生长激素基因外显子部分存在序列遗传多态性,且该多态性与其生长的某些性状具有一定的连锁关系,为将来进行标记辅助选育奠定了基础。

    These results aslo showed that polymorphism and its association with growth trait in the exon region of flounder GH gene could be detected effectively by the way of PCR-SSCP .

  14. 结果各组有与无胆囊结石的CETP和PON1位点基因型差异无显著性,各组CETP和PON1位点与胆囊结石发生无连锁关系(P值均>0.05)。

    Results There was no significant difference in genotype of CETP or PON1 between patients with gallstone in gallbladder and those without gallbladder gallstone ( P > 0.05 ) .

  15. 结论NR2A基因微卫星标志与精神分裂症存在提示性连锁关系,NR2A基因可能为精神分裂症的易感基因之一。

    Conclusion Our data indicated that NR2A gene may be contribute to the genetic etiology of schizophrenia in Chinese population .

  16. 只有一对位点(MDH-3和MDH-4)间存在着紧密的连锁关系。

    The significant linkage relationship was found for only one pair of loci : MDH-3 with MDH-4 .

  17. CX3CR1基因SNP与CCR5Δ32之间无连锁关系,但CX3CR1的249I和280M之间存在明显的连锁关系(P<005)。

    No linkage was found between CX 3 CR1 and CCR5 Δ 32 , but strong linkage existed between 249I and 280M ( P < 0 05 ) .

  18. 3A染色体上控制千粒重的基因的作用效应,以及该基因与3A染色体上控制其它性状的基因间的连锁关系是造成千粒重与其他性状呈负相关的主要遗传因素。

    The main genetic factors , which cause the negative correlation between 1000-kernal weight and the other characters , are the function of genes controlling 1000-kernal weight and the linkage relationship between this gene and the genes controlling other properties on 3A chromosome .

  19. 经分析该性状受1对隐性基因所控制,可能是oc油蚕的等位基因或与oc油蚕基因存在着紧密的连锁关系,属于第5连锁群。

    The genetic analysis showed that the ntl gene was controlled by a recessive gene . The further research confirmed that the ntl gene was located at the fifth chromosome and deduced maybe the ntl is a allele of oc translucent silkworm or has closely linkage relation with oc .

  20. 对GOT-2、POX-B两种同工酶谱之间及其与叶片形状、嫩梢颜色两个形态学性状之间进行了独立测验,表明它们之间无连锁关系。

    Linkage studies showed that there were no linkage relationships between GOT-2 and POX-B and between the two isozymes , leaf shape and young shoot color .

  21. 根据人类基因组X染色体上FMR1I、DS、FATE、BGN、F8A等5个基因的信息资源,用已构建的猪/仓鼠96个放射杂交细胞系分析猪染色体该5个基因间的连锁关系。

    In this study , based on the information of five human genes ( FMR1 , IDS , FATE , BGN , F8A ) on the X chromosome , the linkage relationship of these five genes in pigs were analyzed by a panel of 96 radiation hybrid cell lines .

  22. 各项技术发展均涉及到因果连锁关系。

    There is a causal chain involved in all technological developments .

  23. 三个性状间存在明显的连锁关系。

    There were evidently the linkage relation among 3 characters .

  24. 乳蛋白座位与泌乳性状座位连锁关系的研究

    Linkage Analysis Between Milk Protein Loci and Lactation Trait Loci

  25. 中国林蛙乳酸脱氢酶多基因系统及基因间连锁关系的研究

    Studies on the Multiple Gene System and Gene Linkage of Lactate Dehydrogenase in Rana chensinensis

  26. 茄子功能性雄性不育的遗传及其与果紫色基因连锁关系的研究

    Inheritance of Funtional Male Sterility and Its Allele Linkage of Fruit Purple Color in Eggplant

  27. 致病基因与已知的ADCC14个候选基因不存在连锁关系。

    No linkage relation was found between the pathogenic gene and 14 ADCC candidate genes .

  28. 检测作物数量性状基因与遗传标记连锁关系的方差分析法及其应用

    A Method of Detecting Linkage between Quantitative Trait Loci and Genetic Marker and Its Application in Wheat

  29. 2个标记与子代个体大小有一定的相关性,但其连锁关系仍有待于进一步研究。

    Two markers show some association with JC-F_1 's phenotypes , and this relationship needs further study .

  30. 结论5-HT6基因与孤独症的发病可能存在关联或连锁关系。

    Conclusion : It is possible that there were a association between allele T of5-HT6 gene and autism .