
  1. 壳间连接介质对双层壳声辐射性能的影响

    The effect of linked materials on the sound radiation from double cylindrical shell

  2. (生)与介壳有关或有介壳。壳间连接介质对双层壳声辐射性能的影响

    ( biology ) relating to or possessing a test or testa . The effect of linked materials on the sound radiation from double cylindrical shell

  3. 由于网络中顶点间连接介质的造价是十分昂贵的,一般为整个系统的50%~80%,因此进行网络的拓扑优化对降低整个网络系统的造价是十分重要的。

    Since the costs of connecting mediums between any nodes in the net are very expensive , generally from 50 to 80 percent of the whole system costs , it 's important for the design of topology optimization to reduce the costs of the whole network system .

  4. ◇采用无销连接,使介质与金属完全隔离,维护简便宜行。

    Adopt no-pin connection , the metal and medium separate totally , maintenance easy .

  5. 连接不同传输介质(如双绞线和光纤)的设备。

    A device that connects different transmission media ; for example , from twisted pair to fiber optic .

  6. 漆包线广泛应用于航空航天、汽车制造和电子元器件等产品中,充当其内部基础元件的一部分,或者作为元件内外连接的导体介质。

    Enamelled wire has been widely used in the field of aerospace , automobile making and electron components as a part or the conductive medium between each other .

  7. 系统采用分层分布式设计,主站系统通过以太网通信。分站各设备间通过现场总线网或子以太网连接,通讯介质支持屏蔽双绞线和光纤。

    The system adopted level distribution design , all components of central station communicate through Ethernet , while all components of distant station are connected in field bus network or sub-Ethernet network build by optic fiber .

  8. 研究中得到的主要结果如下:1.利用并联连接的多个介质阻挡放电管构成的反应器,在常温常压下研究了氢氧等离子体放大合成H2O2过程的反应特性及能量效率。

    The main results were obtained in this dissertation as follows : 1 . The scale-up synthesis of H2O2 from H2 / O2 via a dielectric barrier discharge at ambient conditions was studied by using a reactor consisting of multiple parallel discharge tubes .

  9. 在射频电缆组件制作过程中,针对影响电缆组件性能指标的内导体间连接、外导体间连接和填充介质截面处理等问题,应用了特性阻抗的概念对其进行了分析研究。

    In the RF cable module manufacture process , use the concept of the characteristic impedance to analyze the problem ( such as internal conductor connection , external conductor connection , and the processing of cross section for filled dielectric ) that affects the cable module performance .