- 名serial-verb construction

The sentences with two verbs in this paper included : ( 1 ) V1 and V2 indicating the time order of action ;
Serial verbal construction takes a particular part in the Chinese sentence pattern system .
The definition of the serial-verb-sentence and its difference with other structures of the same form . 3 .
Sentences with serial verbs are common in the modem Chinese , which is a special kind of sentence .
Secondly , this thesis takes examples to analyze the complicacy of subject which can serve as agentive argument , object argument , and both .
In around the syntax plane , the gearing sentence and the contraction sentence may divide into two parts , but around the two two parts of relations are not same .
A sentence in which two ( or more ) verbs or verbal constructions are used as the predicate of the same subject is called a sentence with verbal constructions in series .
Looking from the verb and the noun are between the subject and the predicate semantics structural relation , the gearing sentence may divide into the agent subject gearing sentence , the object subject gearing sentence and executes the consubstantiality subject gearing sentence .
In the conclusion part , the author put forward her own opinion about the controversial disputes in the present research world , pointing out the actual existence of omission phenomena in such special structures as " jian yu ju " and " lian dong ju " .
The serial-verb-sentence has long been the focus of modern Chinese grammar study because of its complex meaning and special structure .