
  • 网络reducing sugar
  1. 期内TSS含量、还原性糖含量都一直处于较低水平,自始熟期开始,TSS含量和还原性糖急剧升高并持续到果实成熟;

    Similar on the changing trend of TSS and reducing sugar in fruits , and both were comparatively low in the I and II phases and rose quickly from entering mature phase to complete mature ;

  2. 随着水分胁迫的加剧,各家系还原性糖、可溶性糖含量呈直线上升。

    The reducing sugar and solution sugar were up with linear while increasing of water stress .

  3. 研究表明反应温度、反应时间、氧化剂投加量对产物C分布、还原性糖和乙酸的产量影响显著,而反应物质量、加入水的体积、反应物粒径对产物C分布影响较小。

    The experimental study indicated the reaction temperature , the reaction time , the oxidant amount used have remarkable impact on the product C distribution .

  4. 控释尿素与等氮量普通尿素相比,番茄的还原性糖的含量和维生素C含量分别提高了20.5%、62.4%;番茄果实的总酸度降低了24.2%;

    Compared with NU with the equal nitrogen application , CRU increased candy and vitamin c content of tomato by 20.5 % and 62.4 % respectively .

  5. 果实发育过程中,2个品种果皮的可滴定酸、可溶性糖、还原性糖、葡萄糖含量总体呈下降趋势,而pH、果糖含量呈上升趋势。

    The titratable acid , reducing sugar and glucose showed a decreasing tendency while the pH value and fructose tended to increase in pericarp of both of the two cultivars during fruit development .

  6. 考察了反应物质量、反应时间、反应温度、反应物粒径、氧化剂用量、反应管中水的体积等反应影响因素对产物C分布、残渣结构、还原性糖产量、乙酸产量的影响。

    We try to research product C distributions , the residual structure , the reducible sugar output , the ethanoic acid output change through changing reactant quality , the reaction time , the reaction temperature , the reactant particle size , the oxidant amount used , the water volume added .

  7. 并且生长季中叶片IOD活性强弱、氨基酸和还原性糖含量高低与桃树生长发育的季节性变化相一致。

    It was also indicated that the changing of IOD activity , the contents of amino acid and reducing sugar in leaves was identical with the trees , seasonal development .

  8. 与还原性糖含量及过氧化物酶活性无关,气孔大小与抗病性无关。

    However POD activity , reducing sugar content and stomata size were all irrelevant to the resis-tance .

  9. 糖尿病、年龄老化、饮食等因素可使机体还原性糖含量增加。

    Chronic exposure to reducing sugars due to diabetes , aging , and diet can permanently modify extracellular matrix ( ECM ) proteins .

  10. 结果表明,宽苞棘豆中含有酚类物质、鞣质、还原性糖、皂甙、生物碱、黄酮及其甙类、氨基酸和氰甙。

    It is found that the Oxytropis latibracteata contains phenols , tannins , carbohydrates , saponins , alkaloids , flavonoids and its glycosides , amino acids and cyonogenetic .

  11. 秸秆的糖化液中的还原性糖中主要有木糖和葡萄糖两种成份,比例分别为65%~68%和25%~33%。

    Glucose and xylose are the two main reducing sugar in the saccharification liquid of straw and their content are 65 % ~ 68 % and 25 % ~ 33 % separately .

  12. 对秦岭太白山野生植物美观马先蒿根中的氨基酸、蛋白质、还原性糖、总糖及微量元素进行了测试分析。

    The content of amino acid , protein , reduction sugar and total sugar and trace element for a wild plant roots of Pedicularis decora in the Tai-bai distract of Qin mountain was determined .

  13. 方法:用水回流煮沸和乙醇回流提取三地白术多糖,于493.6nm波长处用分光光度法测定水溶性糖和还原性糖的含量。

    From different places . Methods : The polysaccharide was extracted by water distillation method and alcohol . The content of reducible and soluble polysaccharide was compared by spectrophotometry at the wavelength of 493.6 nm .

  14. 同时,显色反应表明ASP为还原性多糖。

    And ASP is reducibility polysaccharide .

  15. 用光散射法测定其重均分子量为1.42×10~5g/mol,比旋光度为+90°,总糖含量96.5%,显色反应表明ASP是还原性多糖,热分析测试为无定型粉末。

    The molecule weight of ASP is 1.42 × 10 ~ 5g / mol , the specific rotatory power is + 90 °, and the total content of ASP is 96.5 % . The thermal analysis shows that ASP is a amorphism powder .

  16. 利用还原性多糖合成银纳米粒子

    Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Reductive Polysaccharides

  17. 报导了一株非还原性二糖&海藻糖产生菌的筛选过程。

    The process of screening a bacterium strain producing trehalose , a non-reducing disacchride , was reported .

  18. 从核盘菌菌核外渗物中检测出11种游离氨基酸和一种还原性游离糖。

    And it was not affected when the pH value of the solution ranged from 3 to 12 . Eleven free amino acids and a kind of reducing sugar were detected in the sclerotial exudate .

  19. 海藻糖是由两分子的葡萄糖通过α-1,1-糖苷键构成的一种非还原性二糖,广泛存在于细菌、真菌、酵母、昆虫及植物等生物体内。

    Trehalose is a non-reducing disaccharide , consisting of two α - 1,1-linked glucose molecules . It is found in various organisms , including bacteria , fungi , yeasts , insects , and some plants .

  20. 因为它没有还原性末端,它是一个非还原性糖。

    Since it has no reducing end , it is a nonreducing sugar .