
  • 网络close combat;close quarter battle;CQB
  1. 未来的武装力量是更需要的是远程作战还是近距离作战?

    Will the Future Force prefer distant engagement or close combat or both ?

  2. 登普西:举例来说,如果伊拉克安全部队和自由斗士准备好夺回摩苏尔,我认为这项任务会极其复杂,这项任务就是那种要提供近距离作战建议或是随行的特殊任务。

    DEMPSEY : An example - if the Iraqi security forces and the Pesh were at some point ready to retake Mosul , a mission that I would find to be extraordinarily complex , it could very well be part of that particular mission to provide close combat advising or accompanying for that mission .

  3. 与近距离作战不同,一般飞行状态下的大幅度偏转对RCS造成的影响必须考虑在内。

    If large control deflections are produced in flight regimes other than close combat manoeuvring , the specular RCS of the all moving slab controls would need to be considered .

  4. cqb是室内近距离作战的英文缩写,是反恐怖特勘单位必修的战术科目。

    CQB , the short form of close quarter battle , is a required tactical course of the anti - terrorism special duty unit .

  5. 今天参加城市近距离作战的士兵和海军陆战队队员们与他们的前辈比起来需要更多的时间来发展到作战效率的顶点。

    Today 's close-combat soldiers or Marines need more time to develop to peak fighting efficiency than their predecessors did .

  6. 译文:冯·施托伊本的任务是重振低落的士气,使他们能够与英军近距离作战。我们的武器装备状态极差,锈迹斑斑,战士们衣不蔽体,有些甚至无衣可穿。

    TEXT : Von Steuben 's task : Reinvent the demoralized Patriot Army so they can take on the British in a close fight.Our arms are in horrible condition , covered with rust . Our men are literally naked , some to the fullest extent of the word .

  7. 他们研究了综合打击作战的优先目标、海上及陆上制空、战斗攻击机运用理论、空降战役管理、战斗搜索与救援、近距离空中支援等作战理论,并发展出了相关的规划支持系统。

    They research and develop priorities for integrated strike warfare , maritime and land air superiority , strike fighter employment , airborne battle management , combat search and rescue , close air support , and associated planning and support systems .