
  • 网络Transport layer;TCP;UDP
  1. 提出了该协议的设计方案,完全符合TCP/IP协议标准,并且在运输层同时支持TCP协议和UDP协议。

    A scheme of this protocol is proposed , which accords with TCP / IP protocol , and supports TCP protocol and UDP protocol in the transport layer .

  2. 本文指出了TOP运输层协议选择中存在的问题和解决方法,讨论了几个在UNIX系统上实现TOP的重要问题:采用连接上下文切换技术来控制运输连接的并发性;

    Problems in the transport layer of TOP and their solution are pointed out . Several critical issues for implementing TOP on UNIX are discussed with details . Connection context switching technique is developed to control transport connection concurrency .

  3. TOP运输层协议是OSI(国际标准化组织)标准协议的子集.它选择适当的参数和选项以满足技术与办公自动化应用的需要。

    TOP is a subset of OSI protocols with option and parameter selection reflecting the needs of technique and office automation application .

  4. 异构环境下的OSI运输层网络服务平台

    OSI transport services platform in the heterogeneous environment

  5. 为什么需要的UDP是不可靠的网络服务?为什么不能直接使用的IP,而不需要运输层协议?

    Why is UDP needed for an unreliable network service ? Why can 't IP be used directly without requiring a Transport Layer protocol ?

  6. 本文分别介绍了位于运输层的TCP(传输控制协议)和UDP(用户数据报协议)的概念,解释了连接的过程及流量控制方法。

    This article introduces the concept of TCP and UCP on Transportation Layer and explain the operation of the connection and the flow control method .

  7. 文章论述了如何在当前广泛使用的TCP/IP环境中实现OSI的运输层4类协议。

    This paper depicts how to implement OSI transport protocol class 4 within TCP / IP network environment which exists widely now .

  8. 通过在IP层上实现OSI运输层协议TP4,并庄其上依次构建OSI的高层协议,从而提供一个OSI协议的研究和开发环境。

    By implementing TP4 over connectionless network protocol IP , and then constructing OSI high layer protocol over it , an OSI research and development environment is provided .

  9. 其中,采集网络数据的方法包括基于数据链路层的并联方法和串联方法,基于运输层的WinSock替代和WinSock函数拦截方法;

    These include : the methods of how to collect network data , including the parallel method and cascade method working at data link layer , WinSock replacing method and WinSock functions replacing method working at transport layer ;

  10. 在由8位单片机构成的嵌入式系统上实现TCP/IP协议栈,采用虚拟仪器模块设计虚拟仪器网络通信程序,实现虚拟仪器和嵌入式系统基于用户数据包协议(UDP)运输层协议的网络通信。

    The Ethernet communication betweeen virtual instruments and embedded systems is presented . TCP / IP protocol is realized in the embedded systems that are constructed by 8-bit microcontrollers , and the Ethernet communication virtual instrument blocks are designed and deployed .

  11. 本文提出了一个OSI/RM运输层协议并行处理模型,以适应协议的高效处理.根据模型特点,使用Petri网作为形式化描述工具,对该模型进行描述、分析和验证。

    This paper introduces a parallel processing model of OSI / RM transport layer protocol to improve the efficiency of the protocol 's processing . According to the characteristics of the model , Petri nets are used as the formal description tools to specify , analyze and verify the model .

  12. 运输层应负责不成改头换面。

    The transport layer should be responsible for fragmentation and reassembly .

  13. 运输层协议差错恢复的数学模型与性能分析

    Mathematical models and performance analyses on error recovery policies for transport protocols

  14. 传输层[1](也称运输层),只存在于端开放系统中,是介于第三层通信子网系统和高三层之间的很重要的一层。

    Transport layer is very important in an open system .

  15. ISO/OSI运输层协议的形式描述

    Formal Description of ISO / OSI Transport Layer

  16. 计算机网络运输层协议的研究与新进展(Ⅱ)&新型运输层协议的研究、设计和标准化

    Recent Advance and Research on Transport Protocols for Computer Networks (ⅱ) & Resarch , Design and Standardization on Novel Transport Protocols

  17. 差错恢复是运输层协议差错控制及其它相关协议机制和控制策略的重要内容,对运输协议的功能和性能有着显著的影响,因此运输层协议差错恢复的模型建立和分析工作就相当关键。

    As one of the principal mechanism and policy modules for transport protocols , error recovery possesses great impacts on protocol functionality and implementation performance .

  18. 传统的网络协议,特别是运输层协议,无法满足新型应用复杂的通信需求,也无法反映高速网络多样的传输服务,成为网络学术界新的研究热点。

    Academy shows great interests in transport protocols for they fail to satisfy the application requirement and to reflect the new services what network offers .

  19. 现有的网络监控系统多是基于网络层、运输层,无法监控到上述在应用层传播的非法信息。

    Most of current network minitor systems are based on network layer and transport layer , so it 's unable to detect and control illegal information carried in application layer .

  20. 描述了JSnet运输层的设计与实现技术,包括:运输协议软件的结构、运输层与其相邻层的接口设计、运输协议软件的状态表、信息表以及运输协议软件的工作过程。

    It includes the structure of transport protocol software , the design of layer interface . the status table of transport protocol software and the working process of the implementation .

  21. 高速传输服务和新型网络应用的出现使得传统的网络协议(特别是连接信息处理和数据传输的运输层协议)在性能和功能等方面出现一定的缺陷。

    With the development of high speed networks and the emergence of novel style applications , the traditional communication protocols , especially the transport layer protocols , have met some serious challenges both in performance and functionality .

  22. 结果清楚显示,移动模型的类型对协议性能有着影响,因此,建议将基于社区的移动模型用于运输层协议之中。

    From the results it is clear that mobility patterns have an impact on the protocol performance hence it is suggested that mobility models like Community based mobility model be used in the evaluation of transport layer protocols .

  23. 对运输中间层组织的经济分析无论对政策制定者还是运输经营者都具有重要意义。

    It is meaningful and important to make economic analysis of transport intermediaries either for policy makers or business operators .

  24. 运输中间层组织通过减轻逆选择和道德风险降低运输交易成本,大大提高了运输交易效率,创造出新的市场机会。

    Intermediaries in transport market decrease the transaction costs by reducing the adverse selection and moral hazard , tremendously increase transaction efficiency and create new opportunities .

  25. 发生故障的电梯在运输中心的主层和低层之间运行。

    The elevator takes people between the transit center 's main floor and lower floor .

  26. 少量研究也从政府和运输商的两层角度对危险品运输问题进行了研究,但没有充分考虑现实决策中的诸多实际因素。

    A small amount of researches studied the problem considering both the government and the transport operators , but did not fully consider the practical reality decision-making factors .

  27. 运输需求和运输市场的微观结构都在发生巨大变化,而运输市场的成熟程度已更多地体现在运输中间层组织的发达水平。

    The microstructure of transport market is experiencing great changes , so is transport demand , and its maturity level is more attributed to the development level of transport intermediaries .