
yùn fèi dào fù
  • COLLECT;Freight Collect;freight to collect;freight forward
  1. 这个偏远的国家的运输条件很差,因此人们习惯用运费到付的方式购买像设备这样的大件产品。

    EXAMPLE : Transportation was difficult in the remote country , so people there were used to buying large products such as equipment on a freight forward basis .

  2. 请告知收件人的快递帐号,因我方希望运费到付。

    Also please advise receiver 's express account number , as we prefer freight collect .

  3. 我们已按运费到付安排装船。

    We have arranged shipment with freight to be collected at destination .

  4. 买方将有缺陷的货物交由第一艘便船运给卖方,运费到付。

    The buyers ship the defective goods to the sellers by the first available steamer , carriage forward .

  5. 提货单上应该是运费到付而不是运费预付。

    The Bill of Lading should be marked " Freight Collect " instead of " Freight Prepaid " .

  6. 在收到阁下的耳机后,我们将更换合适的连接线,并把该耳机按原有途径以“运费到付”方式送回。

    After receipt of your headphones , we will replace cables and send the unit back to you .

  7. 运费到付-由收件人支付所有的运费和目的地国征收的关税和税金。

    Freight Collect - the consignee pays all shipping charges and the destination country ′ s duty and tax , if applicable .

  8. 全套正本清洁海运提单应注明“运费到付”,取代原来的“运费已付”的规定。

    Full set of clean on board ocean bills of lading should be marked " Freight Collect " to replace the original statement , i.e. " Freight Prepaid " .

  9. 是,我可以运到奥地利但运费要到付。

    OK , I can ship the items to Austria but the freight will be collected .

  10. 标明通知收货人/受货代理人全套清洁、已装船、空白抬头、空白背书并注明运费已付/到付海运/联运/陆运提单。

    Full set of clean on board Ocean / Combined Transportation / Land Bills of Lading and blank endorsed marked freight prepaid / to collect ;