
yùn dònɡ jiàn jiànɡ
  • master sportsman;master of sports;athletic master
  1. 她是个天生的运动健将。

    She is a natural athlete .

  2. 我小时候不是个运动健将。

    " I wasn 't an athletic kid ," he says .

  3. 她是滑水运动健将。

    She 's a practised exponent of the sport of water-skiing .

  4. 中国羽毛球运动健将思维心理特征的测试研究

    Testing Study on the Thinking Characteristics of the Chinese Elite Badminton Players

  5. 看起来你在大学里是个运动健将吧。

    You look like you were a jock in college .

  6. 看上去是那种户外运动健将。

    He looked like a model for an outdoor catalogue .

  7. 我不是个勇士,也并非运动健将。

    I am not a brave man , nor am I athletic .

  8. 剑桥总是为有运动健将而感到骄傲。

    Here in cambridge , we 've always been proud of our athletic prowess .

  9. 我是一个体育运动健将;

    I 'm a sport star of athlete .

  10. 王平:所以学校已培养了不少的运动健将。

    Wang Ping : Therefore , the school has turned out quite a few master sportsmen .

  11. 这问题真够蠢的!你知道我是个十足的运动健将。

    Isn 't that a silly question ? You know how much of an athlete I am .

  12. 我希望自己成为运动健将,但当时没意识到那是绝不会发生的。

    I wanted to excel in athletics but had not yet figured out that that would never happen .

  13. 比起奖励运动健将的传统体育奖学金,这类奖学金就不那么为人熟知了。

    These funds are far less familiar to most people than the traditional athletic scholarships that reward players .

  14. 没有人天生就是运动健将,你想拿百米冠军,请先跑上一万米。贝能提供公平的机会让每一位员工都能进行创造性的工作,并不断超越期望值。

    Burnon provides fair competitive chances to every employee and encourages those who can work creatively and continuously exceed expectations .

  15. 她也是个运动健将,而且是很多学生俱乐部的成员,还担任学生会主席。

    She was also a jock , a member of lots of student clubs , and was student body president .

  16. 更重要的是,任何人都能玩滑板,而无需非得拥有怎样的身体条件或必须是个运动健将。

    Maybe if you give skateboarding a try , you will be able to come up with some reasons of your own .

  17. 正如过去三周的情景所提醒我们的,奥运会最鼓舞人心之处,乃是让运动健将用行动来证明他们自己。

    And as the past three weeks have reminded us , the greatest inspiration comes from letting the acts of sporting heroics speak for themselves .

  18. 为了减轻家里的负担,他努力学习,还是一名班级领袖和运动健将。

    Not wanting to be a burden on his hard-working family , he was a diligent student , a talented athlete , and class leader .

  19. 这群运动健将举重若轻,毫不费力地在伸手不见五指的地表和碍事的树木间穿梭,连一个趔趄、绊脚都没有。

    The athletic creatures moved about with ease , despite their burden , navigating the invisible terrain and obsta-cles of trees without a hitch or stumble .

  20. 大的变化最容易发生的时刻,是在人生重要的转捩点上,例如一位高中运动健将进入大学后发现竞争比过去激烈多了。

    Large changes most often occur after major life transitions , such as when a high school athlete moves on to college to find the competition much tougher .

  21. 汉钊就读科大时是运动健将。他表示十分珍惜曾经到美国作交换生的经验,认为“收获丰富而饶有意义”。

    Paul was active in sports at HKUST , and will treasure the time he spent on " a fruitful and meaningful exchange program " in the US .

  22. 野生动物会对卡路里的摄入量或者所做的训练困扰吗?没有营养师的帮助和每周的个人训练计划,鹿是怎样它们良好的运动健将般身材的。

    Does wildlife obsess over calories eaten or reps performed ? How do deer maintain their trim figures and impressive athleticism without a dietitian and weekly personal training sessions ?

  23. 浸大运动健将再为港争光!乒乓孖宝李静、高礼泽(体康管理社会科学硕士课程)在多哈亚运会上夺得男子乒乓球双打金牌。

    Li Ching and Ko Lai-chak , students of the Master Programme on Sports and Leisure Management , captured the Gold medals for the Men 's Doubles in Table Tennis in the Doha Asian Games .

  24. 他长得帅,人又机灵,并且是一位运动健将。人长得帅,功夫也没的说,有机会你去看看。

    He is handsome and smart , not to mention being a good athlete . He looks handsome and his wushu skills are excellent . You should go to see it when you have a chance .

  25. 例如,既往的研究发现,运动健将们的端粒通常比同龄的久坐者更长,在经常步行或从事其他适度运动的老年妇女中也有同样的现象。

    Past studies have found , for instance , that master athletes typically have longer telomeres than sedentary people of the same age , as do older women who frequently walk or engage in other fairly moderate exercise .

  26. 虽然他们可能考了最高分,得到最好的教育,甚至非常富有,或者长得非常英俊漂亮,或者成为运动健将,但在他们心里总是有一个无法填满的空白,因为我们与那位按他形像创造我们的神失去了关系。

    Even if they get the highest grades , and then the highest degrees in education ; even if they become very wealthy , or become the most beautiful or handsome , or the most athletic there will always be an emptiness inside because we are missing that relationship with the One Who made us in His image .

  27. 我国一、二线等级运动员比例从1984年的1∶0.6增长到2001年的1∶6。1991年后,一线运动队运动健将与二级运动员人数呈逆向发展的趋势。

    The proportion of the Chinese first and second grade athletes has increased from the rate of 1 ∶( 0.6 ) in 1984 to 1 ∶ 6 in 2001.Since 1991 , the master athletes and second grade athletes in the first team have increased .

  28. 受试对象为4名运动员,平均年龄20.00±2.45岁,平均身高1.86±0.07m,平均体重82.88±10.82kg,运动等级为国际健将和健将。

    Four swimmers are subjects to be tested , at average age of 20.00 ± 2.45 , average height 1.86 ± 0.07 m , and average weight 82.88 ± 10.82 kg .