
  • 网络darfur;UNAMID;Dar-fur
  1. 他承认,在其另一个当务之急达尔富尔(darfur)上,进展有限。

    He conceded that progress had been limited on his other priority issue Darfur .

  2. 联合国(un)秘书长潘基文(banki-moon)在达沃斯论坛上表示,水资源短缺是达尔富尔(darfur)冲突的原因之一。

    Ban Ki-moon , the United Nations Secretary-General , told the Davos meeting that water shortages had helped to cause the conflict in Darfur .

  3. 他将联合国与非洲联盟(AfricanUnion)驻苏丹西部省份达尔富尔的新维和部队所面临的障碍,归咎于苏丹政府。

    He blamed the government of Sudan for the obstacles facing a new UN-African Union peace force in the western province .

  4. 在联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)批准将达尔富尔维和行动过渡给联合国部队的投票中,中国选择了弃权,主要原因是中国需要从苏丹购买石油。

    China abstained in a UN Security Council vote authorising the transition to a UN force in Darfur , primarily because it buys oil from Sudan .

  5. 联合国官员周末期间表示,苏丹总统奥马尔巴希尔(omaral-bashir)已经同意在达尔富尔部署联合维和部队。

    At the weekend UN officials said President Omar al-Bashir had agreed to the deployment of the hybrid force .

  6. 达尔富尔危机的规模也是大多数投资者可能看重的一点。SRI对不同的人可能有不同的含义,科恩表示。

    The scale of the Darfur crisis is also one that most investors can appreciate . SRI may mean different things to different people , but there is a basic minimum principle , says Mr Cohen .

  7. 尽管不是《罗马法令》签约国,美国对ICC调查达尔富尔一案提供了一些支持,据报道包括提供暴行余波中受袭击村庄的空中照片。

    Despite not being a Rome Statute signatory , the United States has provided some support to the ICC in its Darfur inquiry , reportedly including aerial photos of the aftermath of attacks on villages .

  8. 达尔富尔之梦明日将在网上举行一场另类开幕式,随后将由演员米亚·法罗(MiaFarrow)每天从达尔富尔的一个难民营发布网上直播。

    Dream for Darfur is to hold an online alternative opening ceremony tomorrow , followed by a daily webcast by the actress Mia Farrow from a Darfur refugee camp .

  9. 首先是电影导演史蒂文斯皮尔伯格(stevenspielberg)辞去开闭幕式艺术顾问一职,原因是中国没有尽力平息达尔富尔危机。

    The year began with Steven Spielberg , the film director , withdrawing from his role as artistic adviser to the opening and closing ceremonies because China was not doing enough to ease the crisis in Darfur .

  10. 他表示,现在,该数字已经减少到7000至8000。他表示,联合国儿童基金会正在与达尔富尔地区其他三个叛军组织协商儿童保护协议。他希望UNICEF能够与他们签署类似的协议。

    e about 20000 child soldiers . He says the number has fallen to between 7000 and 8000 . He says UNICEF is negotiating child protection agreements with three other rebel groups in Darfur . He hopes the agency will be able to sign similar agreements with them .

  11. 尽管表示坚持体育非政治化原则,但北京奥组委(Bocog)还是加入了中国外交部的行列,为中国在达尔富尔问题上的立场进行辩护。达尔富尔问题正是斯皮尔伯格提到的辞职原因。

    In spite of its insistence on keeping politics out of sport , the Olympics organising committee ( Bocog ) joined the foreign ministry in defending China 's stance on Darfur which had been cited by Mr Spielberg as the reason for his resignation .

  12. 达尔富尔的种族灭绝使我们所有的良知蒙羞。

    The genocide in Darfur shames the conscience of us all .

  13. 在达尔富尔有将近9千多名国际军队和警方人员。

    More than 9000 international military and police personnel are in Darfur .

  14. 争夺土地也是达尔富尔危机爆发的重要动因。

    Competition for land is also an important motive in Darfur crisis .

  15. 种族认同,还是资源争夺&苏丹达尔富尔地区冲突根源探析

    Racial Identification or Resource Competition : Root of Sudan 's Darfur Conflict

  16. 在达尔富尔战场的筹码是什么?

    What 's at stake in the battle for darfur ?

  17. 达尔富尔危机的治理与中国外交面临的挑战

    Governance of Darfur Crisis and the Challenge of China 's Foreign Diplomacy

  18. 达尔富尔的难民和穷人有被暴力灭绝的危险。

    Darfur 's desperate and poor are at risk of violent extinction .

  19. 这是一个有关在达尔富尔的援助人员的故事。

    And that is the story of an aid worker in Darfur .

  20. 试析中国在苏丹西部达尔富尔地区冲突中的立场

    The Chinese Stand in Darfur Conflict in Western Sudan

  21. 然而,达尔富尔的争端不应当转移国际社会对苏丹南部的关注。

    Yet the wrangling over Darfur should not divert attention from southern Sudan .

  22. 布什政府说,达尔富尔正在发生的行为是种族灭绝。

    The Bush administration says what is taking place in Darfur is genocide .

  23. 克里强调,让一部分国际援助机构返回达尔富尔是不够的。

    Kerry stressed that a partial return of international aid agencies is not enough .

  24. 达尔富尔反政府武装2003年对政府设施的袭击引发了达尔富尔危机。

    Attacks on government installations by Darfur rebels in 2003 set off the crisis .

  25. 此外,苏丹的达尔富尔地区和刚果东部地区不断酝酿冲突,可能会再次暴发战争。

    Darfur and eastern Congo are simmering conflicts that risk exploding into war again .

  26. 在达尔富尔问题上,中国一直反对对苏丹的经济制裁。

    On the issue of Darfur , China has consistently opposed economic sanctions on Sudan .

  27. 他说,这将主要包括乍得东部12个难民营中的达尔富尔难民。

    He says it will mainly consist of Darfur refugees from eastern Chad's12 refugee camps .

  28. 在目前冲突爆发之前,苏丹达尔富尔地区的局势已然十分紧张和混乱。

    Before current conflicts , the situation in Darfur had been terribly intense and confused .

  29. 联合国使团曾抱怨这种情况影响联合国使团在达尔富尔地区活动的能力。

    N.mission had complained that this was hampering its ability to operate in the region .

  30. 苏丹西达尔富尔州国内流离失所者营地

    Sudan , West Darfur State IDP camps